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JKM > Volume 40(1); 2019 > Article
CHoi, Kim, Seo, and Koo: Effect of Herbal CP Soap on Facial Moisture



To maintain a healthy skin condition, the role of moisture in the stratum corneum is important. We use soap in our daily life, so we wanted to observe the changes of the skin moisture using herbal CP soap. Four kinds of herbal CP soaps were prepared and their effects on skin moisture were compared.


We surveyed 39 students at A University to determine their subjective skin condition, lifestyle and washing habits. Then, a facial analysis test was performed. We made herbal CP soaps using Kyungohkgo, Hwangryunhaedoktang, Seosiokyongsan and Baeksoooh and distributed them to experiment participants. Prior to the experiment, their skin condition was checked and skin condition was assessed using Facial Diagnosis System three times in total. After the experiment, the change of skin was measured and analyzed.


As a result of examining the skin moisture according to the using of the herbal CP soap by the participants, the skin moisture was gradually increased compared with before use. The moisture content increased after 6 weeks of use compared to before using Seosiokyongsan, Hwangryunhaedoktang, Kyungohkgo CP soap compared to before use. But there was no significant difference between 3 weeks and 6 weeks of use compared to before use. As a result of using Baeksoo-oh CP soap, the skin moisture of the experimental participants was continuously increased.


Natural CP soaps are believed to have a beneficial effect in increasing the moisture content of facial skin.

Fig. 1
One-Click Automatic Facial Diagnostic Device
Fig. 2
Skin Changes Caused by Using 4 Kinds of Herbal CP Soap
Fig. 3
Changes in Moisture Content by Using 4 Kinds of Herbal CP soap
Table 1
The Composition of Herb Medicine Herbal Name
Scientific name Weight (g)
Seosiok-yongsan 綠豆 Vignae Radiatae Semen 4.0
白芷 Angelicae Dahuricae Radix 4.0
白芨 Bletillae Rhizoma 4.0
白蘞 Ampelopsis Radix 4.0
白殭蠶 Batryticatus Bombyx 4.0
白附子 Aconitum koreanum Raymond 4.0
天花粉 Trichosanthis Radix 4.0
甘松香 Nardostachyos Radix et Rhizoma 2.0
三乃子 Kampferia galanga 2.0
藿香 Agastachis Herba 2.0
零陵香 Lysimachiae Foenum-graeci Herba 0.2
防風 Saposhnikoviae Radix 0.2
藁本 Ligusticum tenuissimum Kitagawa 0.2
皂角刺 Gleditsiae Spina 0.1
Kyungohk-go 人蔘 Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer 3.0
生地黃 Rehmanniae Radix Recens 32.0
白茯苓 Poria cocas 6.0
白蜜 Honey Mel 20.0
Hwangryun-haedoktang 黃連 Coptis Rhizoma 5.0
黃芩 Scutellariae Radix 5.0
黃柏 Phellodendri Cortex 5.0
梔子 Gardeniae Fructus 5.0
Baeksoooh 白首烏 Cynanchi Wilfordii Radix 37.5
Table 2
General Characteristics of the Subjects
Characteristics Categories n (%)
Gender Male 27 (69.2)
Female 12 (30.8)

Age 10s 25 (64.1)
20s 14 (35.9)

Economic conditions Good 26 (66.7)
Bad 13 (33.3)

Importance of subjective cleansing Important. 34 (87.2)
Not important 5 (12.8)

Skin condition Dry skin 5 (12.8)
Oily skin 5 (12.8)
Complex skin. 7 (17.9)
Normal 2 (5.1)
Don’t know 20 (51.3)

Number of skin cleansing Once 5 (12.8)
More than 2 times 34 (87.2)

Temperature of skin cleansing Cold water 9 (23.1)
Warm water 30 (76.9)
Table 3
Difference of Skin Characteristics According to General Characteristics
Variables Pore Wrincle Oil Moisture

Mean±SD t/F (p) Mean±SD t/F (p) Mean±SD t/F (p) Mean±SD t/F (p)
Gender Male 3.52±0.535 0.563 (.577) 4.14±1.215 0.414 (.681) 1817.70±1106.530 5.328 (<.001) 29.59±3.81 0.569 (.573)
Female 3.40±0.715 3.95±1.627 452.42±493.744 28.92±2.23

Age 10s 3.51±0.574 0.387 (.701) 4.07±1.363 −0.066 (.947) 1523.24±1221.871 0.912 (.368) 28.84±2.824 −1.216 (.238)
20s 3.43±0.633 4.10±1.337 1173.29±1002.748 30.36±4.162

Economic conditions Good 3.47±0.598 −0.394 (.696) 4.14±1.392 0.680 (.501) 1430.06±1204.988 0.456 (.651) 29.41±3.560 0.129 (.898)
Bad 3.58±0.577 3.70±0.871 1177.00±672.096 29.20±2.168

Importance of subjective cleansing Important 3.52±0.581 0.476 (.637) 4.06±1.552 −0.182 (.857) 1243.54±899.12 −1.193 (.241) 29.62±3.499 0.596 (.555)
Not important 3.42±0.622 4.13±0.795 1705.77±1525.87 28.92±3.252

Skin condition Dry skin 3.70±0.648 1.037 (.402) 4.61±2.543 0.334 (.853) 1124.20±1063.718 0.861 (.497) 31.20±4.025 0.498 (.737)
Oily skin 3.33±0.398 4.37±1.194 2118.20±1724.349 29.80±5.718
Complex skin. 3.81±0.663 3.84±0.809 1220.43±1500.022 29.29±2.628
Normal 3.48±0.212 3.77±0.007 565.00±753.776 28.00±1.414
Don’t know 3.35±0.596 3.99±1.252 1431.10±886.006 29.00±3.026

Numbe of skin cleansing Once 3.44±0.262 −0.176 (.861) 3.84±1.394 −0.433 (.667) 1179.60±809.539 −0.450 (.665) 27.80±0.837 −1.123 (.269)
More than 2 times 3.49±0.625 4.12±1.345 1429.68±1194.785 29.62±5.568

Temperature of skin cleansing Cold water 3.51±0.597 0.145 (.885) 3.97±0.931 −0.275 (.785) 1288.00±840.310 −0.323 (−749) 27.67±0.707 −1.781 (.083)
Warm water 3.48±0.596 4.11±1.447 1430.50±1234.732 29.90±3.708


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Effect of Baekyeum on Intestinal Motility  2005 December;26(4)
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