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JKM > Volume 41(2); 2020 > Article
Kye and Kim: A Study on Consideration of the Concept and the Directions in Further Research of Meridian Points(經穴) Based on Symbolic Mathematical Study(象數學)



The purpose of this study is to consider the concept of Meridian Points(經穴) and to establish the directions in further research.


First, based on the latest results from the researches of Meridian and Collateral(經絡), it was to infer the original concept of Meridian Points(經穴). Second, the meaning of Meridian Points(經穴) has been investigated and its directions in further research was studied founded upon Symbolic Mathematical Study(象數學).

Results & Conclusions

Firstly, Meridian Points(經穴) are considered to be the source of information that contains 365 numbers of human physiological information which includes physiological information of Viscera and Bowels(藏 府) and Meridian and Collateral(經絡).
Secondly, advanced researches are required further to clarify the meaning of Meridian Points(經穴) as Symbolic Mathematical Study(象數學) has established the systems of Meridian Points(經穴). In addition, the efficacy of each Meridian Points(經穴) needs to be revised through literature studies. Clinical studies are essential to practically verify the results from the former theoretical research.
Thirdly, the contention to oppose the presence of Meridian and Collateral(經絡) and Meridian Points(經穴) was acknowledged to be incorrect.
Lastly, for broadening the theoretical systems of Korean Medicine(韓醫學) with integration of Western scientific knowledge, a paradigm shift is necessary to revise the concepts of Viscera and Bowls(藏府), Meridian and Collateral (經絡) and Meridian Points(經穴) in Korean Medicine(韓醫學). In order to accomplish the shift, the ambiguity in theories of Korean Medicine(韓醫學) should be clarified through the study of Symbolic Mathematical Study(象數學).


이 논문은 영추상한한의학회(Society for Yeongchu-Sanghan Korean Medicine, SYSKM)에서 얻은 학문적 단서에 힘입어 진행한 한의학 박사학위논문(「韓醫學에서 사용되고 있는 각종 鍼法의 분석 및 연구·발전 방향 고찰」, 2019년 12월 인준)의 한 소주제를 학회지 규정에 맞게 수정·보완하여 게재한 것입니다. 도움을 주신 영추상한한의학회와 논문 심사에 수고해주신 교수님들께 감사드립니다.

Fig. 1
Fig. 2
The Korean Medical(韓醫學) meaning of Cheon -SangYeolChaBunYaJiDo(天象列次分野之圖) identified by Symbolic Mathematic Study(象數學)7)
Table 1
Numerical Changes in Meridian Points(經穴) According to Literature2)
文獻 『內經』 『明堂』
正中의 單穴 25 49 51 51 52
兩側의 雙穴 135 300 303 308 309
總穴數 160 349 354 359 361
Table 2
The Korean Medical(韓醫學) Meaning of Cheon -SangYeolChaBunYaJiDo(天象列次分野之圖) Identified by Symbolic Mathematic Study(象數學)
별자리 藏府
공간 經絡
우주 운행 - 365 度數 인체 생리 - 365 정보 (經穴)


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