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JKM > Volume 41(3); 2020 > Article
Ha and Shin: A Case Report on Multiple Rib Fracture Improved with Daewhangchija-paste Adhesive treatment and Herb-medicine treatment



The purpose of this study is to report the improvement of multiple rib fracture after korean medical treatment; adhesive treatment and herb-medicine treatment.


A patient with multiple rib fracture was treated with Daewhangchija-paste(大黃梔子膏) adhesive and herb-medicine treatment. Verbal numeric rating scale, medical examination by interview and rib series x-ray were used to assess progress of treatment. And we took pictures of left flank after attaching Daewhangchija-paste to observe the changes of the skin colors.


Rib series x-ray taken after 2 months of treatment revealed hard callus which added stability against external force on rib cage. After taking off Daewhangchija-paste, left plank skin turned into blue, green and yellow. And the pain level(VNRS) of left plank decreased from 10 to 0.5 for 4 months.


Pain reduction on trauma site and improvement of general health condition were observed during combination treatment of Daewhangchija-paste adhesive and herb-medicine.

Fig. 1
Chest Computed Tomography(CT). Chest CT shows broken 9th rib and hemopneumothorax in the left posterior chest wall.
Fig. 2
3D Rendering of Chest Computed Tomography(CT). 3D Chest CT shows broken ribs ;anterior of 6–9th ribs and posterior of 9–11th ribs. <Fig. 3> 2019.11.24. <Fig. 4> 2020.01.09. <Fig. 5> 2020.03.12. <Fig. 6> 2020.05
Fig. 3–6
Progress of Chest Radiograph showing definite fracture. Chest radiograph shows definite fracture. Over time, fracture margins are gradually connected and become more and more rounded by hard callus.
Fig. 7
Timeline analysis of this case.
Fig. 8
Changes in Verbal Numerical Rating Scale(VNRS).
Table 1
Composition of Daewhangchija-powder
Herbal Name Scientific Name Amount(g)
大黃 Rhei Rhizoma 10
梔子 Gardeniae Fructus 10
Table 2
Composition of Herb medicine
Herbal Name Scientific Name Amount(g)
黃耆 Astragali Radix 15

白朮 Atractylodis Rhizoma alba 8
烏賊骨 Sepiella japonica Sasaki
赤芍藥 Paeonia obovata Max
香附子 Cyperi Rhizma

當歸身 Body of Angelica sinensis 6
白茯神 Poria cocos
川芎 Ligusticum wallichii Franchet
厚朴 Magnoliae Cortex
蘿葍子 Raphani Semen

藿香 Agastachis Herba 4
酸棗仁 Zizyphi Spinosi Semen
生薑 Zingiber officinale Rosc
蘇葉 Perilla frutescens Britton var. acuta Kudo
龍眼肉 Euphoria longan Lour
枳實 Poncirus trifoliata Rafin


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