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JKM > Volume 35(1); 2014 > Article
Lee, Kim, and Lee: Usage of Medicinal Moxibustion for the improvement of Moxibustion Treatment Procedure



To provide theoretical basis for the classification of medicinal moxibustion(藥灸劑) in Health Insurance Medical Benefit in Korea through investigating trend of judicial precedents on indirect moxibustion and usage of medicinal moxibustion in 『Donguibogam』.


We analyzed statistical data of moxibustion from Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service and National Health Insurance Statistical Yearbook. We investigated major judicial precedents on indirect moxibustion to find out some trend and we searched the usages of medicinal moxibustion in 『ZhenJiuDaCheng』 and 『Donguibogam』.


According to recent judicial precedents, indirect moxibustion with equipment is no loner regarded as Korean Medical Procedure. In composition of ‘Oriental Health Treatment’, amount for acupuncture has gradually decreased instead, amount for moxibustion has increased steadily for 5 years. Medicinal moxibustion(藥灸劑) is often used as a form of indirect medicinal moxibustion with moxa in 『Donguibogam』. Argyi Folium, Moschus, Natrii Chloridium, Radix Preparata, Realgar and Olibanum are most frequently used for medicinal moxibustion in 『Donguibogam』. Medicinal moxibustions are composed of simple prescription or herb-pair or multiple prescription in 『Donguibogam』.


In Health Insurance Medical Benefit in Korea, under the division of moxibustion, direct medicinal moxibustion and indirect medicinal moxibustion should be classified in addition.

Fig. 1
Oriental Health Treatments by Year.
Fig. 2
Changes in the Number of Uses by Year.
Fig. 3
Changes of Amount by Year.
Fig. 4
Composition of Oriental Treatment by Year.
Fig. 5
Changes of Share of Uses by Year.
Fig. 6
Changes of Share of Amount by Year.
Table 1
Usage of Herbs-partitioned moxibustion in 『Donguibogam』 (『 東醫寶鑑 』).
Source Indication / Name of Herbal formula Medicinal Material Treatment
Internal bodily elements·Body (內景篇·身形) Persistent flow of diarrhea (泄利不止) Excretion of rat(鼠糞) Moxibustion treatment on the umbilicus
Internal bodily elements·Urine (內景篇·身形) Having dysuria after childbirth(産後小便不通) Salt (鹽), Allii Fistulosi Bulbus(蔥白) Fill the umbilicus with salt, put Allii Fistulosi Bulbus on the salt and burn moxa with a large moxa handle.
Internal bodily elements·Feces (內景篇·大便) Blocked feces and urine(大小便不通) / Navel-compressing therapy(罨臍法) Crotonis Semen(巴豆肉), Armeniacae Semen (杏仁), and Gleditsiae Spina(皂角) Making them into rice cake and then cover the navel and apply moxibustion.
External bodily elements·Ear (外形篇·耳) Sudden deafness (暴聾) Atractylodis Rhizoma(蒼朮) Making one end flat and the other end sharp.
Put the sharp end into the ear and apply moxibustion on the flat end.
External bodily elements·Teeth (外形篇·齒) Swollen cheeks because of toothache/From Crying to Laugjing Powder (哭來笑去散) Realgar(雄黃)·Olibanum(乳香)·Pi perris Nigri Fructus(胡椒)·Moschus(麝香)·Piperis Longi Fructus(蓽撥)·Alpiniae Officinari Rhizoma(良薑)·Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma(細辛). Wrap the grinded drugs with white paper, so it looks like a cigarette, dip in sesame oil, light with fire, and warm where the toothache is.
External bodily elements·Chest (外形篇·胸) Chest bind(結胸) Crotonis Semen(巴豆), Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) Knead these powders with saliva, then make a cake.
Fill the navel with this cake and apply moxibustion over this cake.
External bodily elements·Chest (外形篇·胸) Severe pain below the heart on the abdomen, in the chest, in the flanks, in the waist and in the back.(一切心腹胸脇腰背苦痛) Anthoxyli Pericarpium(川椒), Vinegar(醋) Knead Anthoxyli Pericarpium fine powder with vinegar and make a cake. Apply this cake on the painful region, put moxa on the cake then burn it.
External bodily elements·Navel (外形篇·臍) Training the Navel to Lengthen Lifespan / Live Long and Extended Longrvity Elixir (長生延壽丹) Ginseng Radix(人參), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata(附子), Piperis Nigri Fructus(胡椒), Vespertilio superans Thomas (夜明砂), Myrrha(沒藥), Tigris Os(虎骨), Fossilia Ossis Mastodi (龍骨), Trogopterorum Faeces (五靈脂), Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子), Cinnabaris(硃砂), Moschus(麝香), Natrii Chloridum (靑鹽), Foeniculi Fructus(茴香), Syzygii Flos(丁香), Realgar(雄黃), Olibanum(乳香), Aucklandiae Radix(木香). Fill the navel with one portion of the drugs and five pun of Moschus powder.
Fill the area inside flour dough with another portion of the drugs and press it to make the dough become firm. Make a few holes in the center.
Place one piece of Sophorae Fructus (槐皮) to cover the drugs and apply moxa with mugwort.
External bodily elements·Navel (外形篇·臍) Training the Navel to Lengthen Lifespan / Minor Secret Prescription to Welcome Life by Smoking the Umbilicus (小接命熏臍秘方) Olibanum(乳香), Myrrha(沒藥), Ratti Excrementum(猳鼠糞), Natrii Chloridum(靑鹽), Ratti Excrementum (兩頭尖), Dipsaci Radix(續斷), Moschus(麝香). Knead buckwheat powder with water and make a mass slightly bigger than one chon if the navel is big. Insert the powder of the drugs into the mass and put it on the navel. Cover this with one piece of Sophorae Fructus (槐皮) and apply moxa as big as a bean.
External bodily elements·Navel (外形篇·臍) The navel should be warmed / Warm the Umblicus for Fertility Prescription (溫臍種子方) Trogopterorum Faeces(五靈脂), Angelicae Dahuricae Radix(白芷), Natrii Chloridum(靑鹽), Moschus (麝香). Powder these drugs. Soften buckwheat powder with water into dough and make it long. Put this around the navel and fill the navel with the drugs. Apply moxa on the drugs.
External bodily elements·Foot (外形篇·足) Waist and legs swell up and urine doesn’t come out (腰脚腫 小便不通) Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparat a (附子) Mix Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata powder with saliva and after sticking it on KI1(湧泉穴), apply moxibution with mugwort to lower the heat.
External bodily elements·Anus (外形篇·後陰) Hemorrhoid sore (痔瘡) Dirt from one’s head(頭垢), Garlic (蒜) Artemisiae Argyi Folium (艾葉) Make a rice cake with dirt from one’s head, put it on the edges of the hemorrhoids, put pieces of garlic and burn moxa with Artemisiae Argyi Folium.
External bodily elements·Anus (外形篇·後陰) Anal fistula (痔 漏) Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata (附子), Artemisiae Argyi Folium (艾葉). Paste Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata powder with saliva and make a rice cake with it. Put above the hemorroids and burn moxa with Artemisiae Argyi Folium.
Miscellaneous disorder·Boil (雜病篇·諸瘡) Scurofula(瘰癧)/Generation Moxa Powder(代灸散) Minium(鉛粉), Realgar(雄黃), Calomelas(輕粉)Moschus(麝香), Sophorae Fructus(槐皮) Grind these drugs and bake the medicine on Sophorae Cortex(槐皮) with charcoal.
Miscellaneous disorder·Boil (雜病篇·諸瘡) Anal Fistula Due to Infantile Malnutrition(漏瘡疳瘻瘡) Cicada larva(蠐螬 : Holotrichia24)). Cut off the both ends of cicada lava and place this on the opening sore(瘡口). .
Then place a pillar made of mugwort to perform moxibustion.
Table 2
Usage of Herbs-partitioned moxibustion in 『Zhen Jiu Da Cheng』 (『鍼灸大成』).
Source Indication Medicinal Material
vol. 7. Extra Point(經外奇穴/聚泉) Wheezing, dyspnea and cough(哮喘咳嗽) Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus(生薑), Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 7. Extra point(經外奇穴/聚泉) Heat cough(熱嗽) Realgar(雄黃), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 7. Extra Point(經外奇穴/聚泉) Cool cough(冷嗽) Farfarae Flos(款冬花), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 8. Sore Toxin(瘡毒門) Abscess effusion(癰疽發背) Garlic(蒜)s, Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 8. Sore Toxin(瘡毒門) When bitten by a snake (蛇咬傷人) Garlic(蒜)s, Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 8. Cold Damage(傷寒) Heat entering the blood chamber(熱入血室) Coptidis Rhizoma(黃連), Crotonis Semen(巴豆), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Effusion of Abscess (發背癰疽) Internal cellulitis(陰疽) Garlic(蒜)s, Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol.9. Method of Treatment by a Great Doctor(名醫治法) Sore toxin(瘡毒) Garlic(蒜)s, Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Method of Treatment by a Great Doctor(名醫治法) Sore toxin(瘡毒) Garlic(蒜)s, Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Method of Treatment by a Great Doctor(名醫治法) Sore toxin(瘡毒) Garlic(蒜)s, Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Method of Treatment by a Great Doctor(名醫治法) Sore toxin(瘡毒) Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata(附子), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Method of Treatment by a Great Doctor(名醫治法) Sore toxin(瘡毒) Sulfur(硫黃), Garlic(蒜), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Method of Treatment by a Great Doctor(名醫治法) Strangury and Urinary block disease(艾葉) Salt(鹽), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Moxibustion for Chest Bind due to Cold Damage(灸結胸傷寒) Chest Bind due to Cold Damage(結胸傷寒) Coptidis Rhizoma(黃連), Crotonis Semen(巴豆), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Moxibustion for Chest Bind due to Yin Toxin(灸結胸傷寒) Chest Bind due to Yin toxin (陰毒結胸) Crotonis Semen(巴豆), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)
vol. 9. Navel-Steaming Treatment Method (蒸臍治病法) Longervity, Anti-aging. Strengthen spleen and stomach (長生耐老 脾胃長强) Trogopterorum Faeces(五靈脂), Natrii Chloridum(靑鹽), Olibanum(乳香), Myrrha(沒藥), Vespertilio superans Thomas(夜明砂), Ratti Excrementum(地鼠糞), Allii Fistulosi Bulbus(蔥頭), Akebiae Caulis(木通), Moschus(麝香), Sophorae Fructus(槐皮), Artemisiae Argyi Folium(艾葉)


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