AbstractObjectives:The aim of study was to develop a standard instrument of oriental medical evaluation lung cancer.
Methods:For this study, the committee advisor was organized by 10 Korean Medicine professors of the Korean Association of Traditional Oncology. The items and structure of the instrument were quoted from the instrument of pattern identification for lung cancer. We had a consultation with the committee twice and took additional advice from it via E-mail.
Results:According to the research, we determined the Korean oriental medical assessment tool for lung cancer comprised of the 6 types of patterns of syndrome differentiation.
The advisor committee gave the answers about discrimination between bian-zheng and su-zheng, mean weight of each symptom and sign. The final weight was calculated from the combination of the ratio of bian-zheng and mean weight.
Conclusions:The instrument of oriental medical evaluation for lung cancer was developed through experts’ discussion. If the validity and the reliability of this instrument are validated through additional clinical trial, the instrument of oriental medical evaluation for lung cancer is expected to be applied to the later research.
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