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JKM > Volume 39(3); 2018 > Article
Jung and Yoo: A Case Report of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treated by Sajaehyangbu-hwan



To report the effect of Sajaehyangbu-hwan on a polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) patient with anovulation.


The patient with PCOS was treated by Sajaehyangbu-hwan twice a day. The patient measured basal body temperature(BBT) and took a urine luteinizing hormone test(LH test) for three months to predict ovulation.


Two ovulations were observed in BBT and LH test results within three months and the typical biphasic BBT pattern was established.


Sajaehyangbu-hwan has an effect on establishing obvious biphasic pattern in BBT of the patient with PCOS and the anovulation caused by PCOS.

Fig. 1
Basal body temperature (2018. 02. 24 ~ 04. 25)
Fig. 2
Basal body temperature (2018. 04. 26 ~ 06. 30)
Fig. 3
Temperature difference between low temperature phase and standard of high temperature phase (2018. 02. 24 ~ 04. 06)
Fig. 4
Temperature difference between low temperature phase and standard of high temperature phase (2018. 04. 26 ~ 06. 10)
Table 1
Menstruation Period
Menstruation Start Date Period Menstrual Cycle
2018. 02. 18 6 days 96 days
2017. 11. 13 6 days 67 days
2017. 09. 07 6 days 29 days
2017. 08. 09 5 days
Table 2
Serum Hormone Assay
Date 2017. 11. 13
FSH(mIU/ml)* 2.32
LH(mIU/ml) 7.98
E2(pg/ml) 135.0
Prolactin(ng/ml) 42.60

* FSH: follicle stimulating Hormone

† LH: luteinizing Hormone

‡ E2: estradiol

Table 3
Composition of Sajaehyangbu-hwan
Herbal Name Pharmacogniostic Name Dose
香附子 Cyperus Rotundus Linne 854 g
當歸 Angelicae Gigantis Radix 113 g
川芎 Cnidii Rhizoma 113 g

total 1080 g
Table 4
Menstrual Cycle
Presumptive day of ovulation Menstruation start date Menstrual Cycle
2018. 04. 05 2018. 04. 20 61 days
2018. 06. 09 2018. 06. 26 67 days
Table 5
Average and Standard of Basal Body Temperature
Average of Low Temperature Phase(°C) Average of High Temperature Phase(°C) Standard of High Temperature Phase (°C)
2018. 02. 04 ~ 04. 25 36.34 36.72 36.49
2018. 04. 26 ~ 06. 24 36.23 36.67 36.38


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