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JKM > Volume 40(1); 2019 > Article
Hyun and Soo: Clinical presentation with 『PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編) 』 in Korean medicine



The aim of this study is to introduce the Clinical presentation and announce the importance of developing Clinical presentation of Korean medicine and suggest about development direction of Clinical presentation of Korean medicine.


To Investigate the Clinical presentation used in western medicine. I think that Clinical presentation of Korean medicine is a systematic list of Korean medicine symptoms and a standard syndrome differentiation and treatment(辨證 治). So I would like to offer 『PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編)』 as a basis for developing Clinical presentation of Korean medicine.


The clinical presentation term has become widespread in use at Calgary Medical college. Calgary Medical college created a list of 120 clinical presentations In 1991. In Korea, 101 clinical presentations were made in 2016. 『PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編)』 has been used effectively for over 130 years and widely used in the public. In addition, 『PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編)』 is summarized in the symptoms and prescriptions that occur frequently in Korea.


For the globalization and standardization of Korean medicine, Clinical presentation of Korean medicine should be developed. The overall form of Clinical presentation of Korean medicine uses the form of Clinical presentation of Canada and a standard syndrome differentiation and treatment (辨證 治) for diagnosis and treatment is based 『PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編)』.

Fig. 1
Clinical presentation card example ‘loss of consciousness/Syncope/presyncope’ ‘Terminal presentation’ card with the clinical expression(a-0) is at the front and ‘23 Enabling objectives’ are listed behind Terminal presentation card(A~W). ‘General objective’ is written on b-0. ‘6 clinical activities’ for reaching Terminal presentation are presented in the column, the diagnosis is presented in the line(c-0 ~ h-0).
Table 1
101 Clinical Presentations on Learning Outcomes of Basic Medical Education: Clinical Competency-centered (The 2nd Edition)
번호 임상표현 번호 임상표현 번호 임상표현 번호 임상표현
1 가려움증 27 발달지연 50 수면장애 77 젖흐름증/유두분비
2 가슴통증/가슴불쾌감 28 발열(불명열/고체온증) 51 수분/전해질이상 78 중독
3 가정폭력/학대 28-1 신생아발열 52 수술환자관리 79 질분비물
4 객혈 29 발작(뇌전증) 53 수혈(수혈부작용) 80 질출혈
5 고혈압 29-1 소아열발작 54 시력장애 81 청색증
6 골절/탈구 30 배뇨곤란/배뇨통 55 신생아진찰 82 체중감소
7 관절통/관절부기 31 배벽/샅굴덩이(탈장) 56 실신 83 체중증가(비만)
8 구역/구토 32 변비 57 심잡음 84 출혈경향
9 급성복통 32-1 소아변비 58 심정지 85 충혈눈
10 기분장애(우울한기분) 33 복부덩이 59 알레르기반응 86 토혈
10-1 기분장애(들뜬기분) 34 복부팽만(복수) 60 어지럼/현기증 87 팔다리근력약화(마비)
11 기억력장애 35 부종 61 영양결핍 88 폐경
12 기침 36 분만중관리 62 예방접종 89 피로
13 난청 37 불안 63 외상 90 피부발진
14 다뇨증 38 불임(난임) 64 외음부덩이 91 피부창상
15 단백뇨 39 비출혈 65 요실금 92 피임
16 두근거림 40 사춘기발달이상 66 운동실조(보행이상) 93 학습부진
17 두드러기/혈관부종 41 산염기이상 67 월경통/골반통 94 항문통증
18 두통 42 산전관리 68 유방덩이 95 허리통증
19 떨림 43 삼킴곤란 69 의무기록/진단서작성 96 혈뇨
20 만성복통/소화불량/속쓰림 44 상하지통증 70 의식변화(혼수) 97 혈당이상(고혈당)
21 맥박이상 45 설사 71 이상지질혈증 97-1 혈당이상(저혈당)
22 목덩이 45-1 소아설사 72 임종/애도 98 혈변/흑색변
23 무뇨증/핍뇨증 46 성매개감염 73 자살행동/시도 99 호흡이상
24 무월경 47 성장지연 74 저혈압(쇼크) 100 화상/한랭손상
25 물질남용 48 성폭행 75 전신염증반응증후군/패혈증 101 황달
26 미숙아 49 손발저림/감각이상 76 정신증 101-1 신생아황달
Table 2
Constipation in 『PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編)・HwalTuChimSun(活套鍼線)』 Stool Reconstitutes by Clinical Presentation of Korean Medicine
진단 목록
적절한 검사
경과와 예후 및
질병 합병증
치료 합병증
정의와 일반적 목표 (General objective)
便閉 (通治) 通幽湯
血結閉 桃仁承氣湯
氣結閉 四磨湯
熱閉 防風通聖散
二便閉 防風通聖散
老人秘 濟川煎


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