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JKM > Volume 40(2); 2019 > Article
Seo, Ji, Lee, and Park: Effect of Korean medicine health promotion program for maternal health



The aim of this study is to survey on the effect of Korean medicine health promotion program for maternal health.


We conducted Korean medicine health promotion program for maternal health to pregnant women who agreed to participate in this program among 10 public health center. Before and after program, we surveyed the Knowledge Score of Maternal Health Care, Practice of Health Behavior, (Traditional) Child Care Recognition, Depression, Child Caring Confidence and analyzed DID(Difference In Difference).


The Knowledge Score of Maternal Health Care of intervention group was improved about 1 point. The improvement of (Traditional) Child Care Recognition was significant. Depression score of intervention group was improved high significantly. The Child Caring Confidence of intervention group was improved about 1.3 point.


As a result of analyzing the effect of Korean medicine health promotion program for maternal health, it is confirmed that this program can have an impact on improving Knowledge Score of Maternal Health Care, (Traditional) Child Care Recognition, Depression, Child Caring Confidence. It will be necessary to continue and develop this program widely.


Table 1
Korean Medicine Health Promotion Program for Maternal Health
Session Subject Contents Duration of time
1 Maternity class (Health care during pregnancy)
  • - Caution and Living Tips during pregnancy (Food, Nutrients, Disease etc)

  • - Create a community using SNS : Education for Pregnancy Depression and The Importance of Pregnant Women’s Social Support

60 minutes
2 Prenatal education class (Making Placenta Jar)
  • - The Meaning of prenatal education by Brain Science

  • - Practice of making Placenta Jar(traditional umbilical cord storage ceramic)

120 minutes
3 Post-natal care class (Postnatal Health Management)
  • - Postpartum psychological and physical changes

  • - Physical difference between Western pregnant women and Eastern pregnant women

  • - Understanding of postpartum disease and Korean medicine

  • - Guide for taking postpartum herbal medicine

60 minutes
4 Parenting Class (Naturalism neonatal care) (Husband participation available)
  • - Pregnant experience for husband(Understanding what it is like for a pregnant wife by wearing a fake pregnancy belly)

  • - Breast Care

  • - Neonatal care applied by traditional attachment theory (How to fasten Podaegi - Korean swaddling)

60 minutes
Table 2
Difference In Difference(DID) analysis overview
Before policy intervention/pre After policy intervention/post Time lag (Program implementation status)
Korean medicine pregnant woman education program target person (treatment group) B= μ+S D= μ+S+T+E T+E
Korean medicine pregnant women education program non-breacher (control group) A= μ 1) C= μ+T T3)
Differences between groups S2) S+E E4)

Remark :

1) μ = Before the program, ‘Knowledge score of pregnant women’s health management’, ‘traditional childcare recognition’, ‘evaluation of practice of health behavior’, ‘self-confidence in child caring’, ‘feeling after birth’

2) S = Group differences between intervention and control groups

3) T = Differences caused by the time lapse between before and after policy intervention

4) E = Pure policy effects of the maternal education program

Table 3
Comparison of General Characteristics of Target Groups
Variable Treatment group (n=172) Control group (n=227) Remarks
continuous variable continuous variable Continuous Variable: Average±Standard Deviation Interval Variable: The Ratio
Age 32.1±4.0 31.9±3.9 Pregnant woman full age
Education level 87.1% 88.1% Ratio of university graduates
Participation in economic activities (worker) 20.7% 17.9% Percentage of full-time and part-time workers
Household income 3.8±1.6 3.6±1.4 1(less than 1 million won per month)-5(more than 401 million won per month)
Number of pregnancy weeks 26.4±7.0 27.0±6.9 Current pregnancy week
Birth experience (childbirth experiencer) 22.8% 19.6% Percentage of birth experience
Subjective health 2.1±1.6 2.2±1.9 1(Very healthy)-5(Very unhealthy)
Fetal health 1.5±1.6 1.7±1.9 1(Very healthy)-5(Very unhealthy)
Family type 100% 100% Only couple or couple + for children(nuclear family)
Family cooperation 2.0±1.6 1.9±1.4 1(Very cooperative)-5(Very uncooperative)
Height 152.8±35.8 159.8±16.9 Pregnant woman’s current height
Weight 58.7±14.4 61.8±10.0 Pregnant woman’s current weight
Previous education experience 38.8% 30.8% Previous education experience rate
Table 4
Program Effect (DID) for Knowledge Score of Maternal Health Care
Regression coefficient (B) Standard error (SE) Significance (p-value)
Program effect (DID) 1.0574 0.2388 <.0001
Distribution of program effects (DDD) Variable (reference group)
Age (under 35 years) −0.3349 0.1418 0.0182
Education level (less than high school graduate) 0.9462 0.1855 <.0001
Economic activity (housewife) −0.3752 0.1548 0.0153
Household income (less than 3 million won per month) 0.2467 0.1247 0.0478
Previous educational experience (No educational experience) 0.7676 0.1268 <.0001
Birth experience (No birth experience) −0.1743 0.1496 0.2441
Subjective health status of pregnant women (Below average) 0.0027 0.3601 0.9939
Fetal health status (Below average) −0.1675 0.5558 0.7632
Number of pregnancy weeks 1 (Midterm pregnancy) 0.4052 0.1830 0.0268
Number of pregnancy weeks 2 (Late pregnancy) 0.3781 0.1878 0.0440
Family cooperation (Not cooperative) −0.0684 0.1655 0.6795
Table 5
Program Effect (DID) for Practice of Health Behavior
Regression coefficient (B) Standard error (SE) Significance (p-value)
Program effect (DID) 0.3178 0.4156 0.4444
Distribution of program effects (DDD) Variable (reference group)
Age (under 35 years) 0.4284 0.2469 0.0827
Education level (less than high school graduate) 0.9039 0.3243 0.0041
Economic activity (housewife) −0.5831 0.2688 0.0301
Household income (less than 3 million won per month) 0.5370 0.2172 0.0134
Previous educational experience (No educational experience) 0.6020 0.2207 0.0064
Birth experience (No birth experience) −0.2691 0.2599 0.3004
Subjective health status of pregnant women (Below average) 0.7682 0.6249 0.2189
Fetal health status (Below average) −3.6637 0.9861 0.0002
Number of pregnancy weeks 1 (Midterm pregnancy) −0.2486 0.3189 0.4357
Number of pregnancy weeks 2 (Late pregnancy) −0.1413 0.3272 0.6659
Family cooperation (Not cooperative) 0.9138 0.2891 0.0016
Table 6
Program Effect (DID) for (Traditional) Child Care Recognition
Regression coefficient (B) Standard error (SE) Significance (p-value)
Program effect (DID) 4.7696 0.7720 <.0001
Distribution of program effects (DDD) Variable (reference group)
Age (under 35 years) −0.6178 0.4299 0.1507
Education level (less than high school graduate) 0.7780 0.5611 0.1656
Economic activity (housewife) −0.0208 0.4677 0.9645
Household income (less than 3 million won per month) 0.5538 0.3771 0.1419
Previous educational experience (No educational experience) 1.1851 0.3829 0.0020
Birth experience (No birth experience) 1.3094 0.4524 0.0038
Subjective health status of pregnant women (Below average) 0.1162 1.0838 0.9146
Fetal health status (Below average) −3.5753 1.6724 0.0325
Number of pregnancy weeks 1 (Midterm pregnancy) 0.9402 0.5509 0.0879
Number of pregnancy weeks 2 (Late pregnancy) 1.1041 0.5653 0.0508
Family cooperation (Not cooperative) 2.1512 0.4997 <.0001
Table 7
Program Effect (DID) for Depression
Regression coefficient (B) Standard error (SE) Significance (p-value)
Program effect (DID) 4.5292 1.8829 0.0162
Distribution of program effects (DDD) Variable (reference group)
Age (under 35 years) 1.5515 1.1175 0.1650
Education level (less than high school graduate) 2.4106 1.4667 0.1003
Economic activity (housewife) −0.7401 1.2180 0.5434
Household income (less than 3 million won per month) 3.4281 0.9833 0.0005
Previous educational experience (No educational experience) 2.3186 0.9997 0.0204
Birth experience (No birth experience) −1.6600 1.1815 0.1600
Subjective health status of pregnant women (Below average) 1.6597 2.8323 0.5579
Fetal health status (Below average) −7.1257 4.3727 0.1032
Number of pregnancy weeks 1 (Midterm pregnancy) 1.8906 1.4399 0.1892
Number of pregnancy weeks 2 (Late pregnancy) −0.3467 1.4777 0.8145
Family cooperation (Not cooperative) 5.0675 103080 0.0001
Table 8
Program Effect (DID) for Child Caring Confidence
Regression coefficient (B) Standard error (SE) Significance (p-value)
Program effect (DID) 1.3434 0.5900 0.0228
Distribution of program effects (DDD) Variable (reference group)
Age (under 35 years) 0.3927 0.3498 0.2616
Education level (less than high school graduate) 0.5197 0.4591 0.2577
Economic activity (housewife) −0.5264 0.3815 0.1677
Household income (less than 3 million won per month) −0.0177 0.3082 0.9542
Previous educational experience (No educational experience) 0.8490 0.3133 0.0067
Birth experience (No birth experience) 1.9494 0.3698 <.0001
Subjective health status of pregnant women (Below average) −0.6378 0.8864 0.4718
Fetal health status (Below average) −1.8447 1.3685 0.1777
Number of pregnancy weeks 1 (Midterm pregnancy) −0.8214 0.4506 0.0683
Number of pregnancy weeks 2 (Late pregnancy) −0.9216 0.4631 0.0466
Family cooperation (Not cooperative) 0.8164 0.4095 0.0462
Table 9
Comprehensive Evaluation of Adjusted value
Variable Before program implementation After program implementation
Treatment group Control group Treatment group Control group
average Standard deviation average Standard deviation average Standard deviation average Standard deviation
Knowledge Score of Maternal Health Care 9.8 1.7 9.6 1.6 11.0 1.6 9.7 1.5
Practice of Health Behavior 32.0 3.0 32.2 2.6 32.7 2.6 32.5 2.7
(Traditional) Child Care Recognition 31.5 5.5 30.4 3.8 36.7 5.2 31.0 3.9
Depression 79.4 12.2 79.8 10.2 80.7 10.2 76.7 16.6
Child Caring Confidence 23.2 4.0 23.0 3.9 25.1 4.2 23.6 3.6


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