AbstractObjectivesThe purpose of this article is to develop steering of program accreditation system in Korean Medicine Education through meta-evaluation. For this study, the subjects of our research were categorized as the accreditation criteria and system, results and effects, tasks for improvement on Korean Medicine Education.
MethodsWe conducted Focus Group Interview on 102 full-time professors with experience of participating on accreditation of Korean Medicine Education from 12 college of Korean Medicine Education and we analyzed it by thematic analysis.
ResultsThe accreditation criteria and program evaluation system of Korean Medicine were listed as ‘Confusion about the goals of program evaluation’, ‘High hurdles on accreditation’, ‘obsession to success cases’, ‘Small college complaints about applying the same criteria’, ‘Dilemma of quantitative and qualitative evaluation’. The results and effects of program evaluation in Korean Medicine Education were listed as ‘Establishment of base infrastructure for basic medical education’, ‘Benchmarking and exchanging opinions through evaluation certification’, ‘Resistance to documents and document-based evaluation’, and ‘Double-sided of evaluation certification’. As for the tasks for further improvement, the following list is suggested. ‘Actively promote evaluation certification’, ‘Simplification and standardization of forms’, ‘Requesting for activating about Evaluation committee’, ‘Need for consulting before regular evaluation’.
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