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JKM > Volume 41(2); 2020 > Article
Bong, Jang, and Kim: A Retrospective Clinical Study of Patients who visited the Emergency Room of Korean Medicine Hospital affiliated with the Korean Medical School



The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of patients who visited the emergency room (ER) of a Korean medicine (KM) hospital and to provide basic data for further research.


We conducted a retrospective analysis using electronic medical records of 263 patients who visited the ER of OO University Oriental Hospital from January 1 to December 31, 2019.


Of the 263 patients’ medical records, 245 were included in this analysis. The male-to-female ratio was 1.09:1. The average age was 52 years, with patients in their 40s having the largest distribution. The district where the hospital was located had the largest number of patients. The distribution by visit time was the lowest in the early morning. Most patients visited on Sunday, in September, and on the day of onset. The admission rate was 39.18%, and largest number of patients was admitted to the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The percentage of patients who revisited the KM hospital as an outpatient were 26.17%. The diagnosis for most patients was musculoskeletal disease. Acupuncture was the most common treatment, accounting for 62.45% of the cases, followed by herbal medicines, accounting for 54.69% of the cases. National health insurance was the most common type of insurance registered. Most patients visited the ER of the KM hospital via the ER of the hospital.


This clinical analysis helped us identify the characteristics of patients visiting the ER of a KM hospital. Continuous data accumulation is required in relation to this for further studies.

Fig. 1
Flow diagram
Fig. 2
Classification by Arrival Time
Fig. 3
Classification by Week
Fig. 4
Classification by Month
Table 1
Classification by Sex and Age
Age Male (Ratio, %) Female (Ratio, %)
10~19 3 (1.22) 0 (0)
20~29 13 (5.31) 9 (3.67)
30~39 27 (11.02) 13 (5.31)
40~49 25 (10.20) 29 (11.84)
50~59 23 (9.39) 28 (11.43)
60~69 18 (7.35) 12 (4.90)
70~79 12 (4.90) 15 (6.12)
80~89 4 (1.63) 9 (3.67)
90≥ 3 (1.22) 2 (0.82)

Total 128 (52.24) 117 (47.76)
Table 2
Classification by Residence
Residence Number (Ratio, %)
Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si 93 (37.96)
Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si 39 (15.92)
Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si 33 (13.47)
Paju-si 25 (10.20)
Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul 14 (5.71)
Mapo-gu, Seoul 1 (0.41)
Gangseo-gu, Seoul 3 (1.22)
Seoul (excluding Eunpyeong-gu, Mapo-gu, Gangseo-gu) 10 (4.08)
Gyeonggi-do (excluding Goyang-si, Paju-si) 12 (4.90)
Incheon 5 (2.04)
Others 10 (4.08)

Total 245
Table 3
Classification by Onset time
Time after onset Number (Ratio, %)
0~24hrs 91 (37.14)
1day 46 (18.78)
2days 34 (13.88)
3days 19 (7.76)
4days 10 (4.08)
5days 6 (2.45)
6days 4 (1.63)
7days 6 (2.45)
1~2weeks 14 (5.71)
2~4weeks 4 (1.63)
4~6weeks 6 (2.45)
Over 6weeks 5 (2.04)

Total 245
Table 4
Classification by hospitalization or revisit patient
Admission or Discharge Number (Ratio, %)
Admission 96 (39.18)
 Acupuncture & Moxibustion 52 (21.22)
 Korean Medicine Rehabilitation 35 (14.29)
 Internal Korean Medicine 7 (2.86)
 Korean Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 (0.82)
Revisit after discharge from emergency room 53 (21.63)
 Acupuncture & Moxibustion 17 (6.94)
 Korean Medicine Rehabilitation 17 (6.94)
 Internal Korean Medicine 2 (0.82)
 Other department 3 (1.22)
 Emergency room 14 (5.71)
 No revisits 96 (39.18)

Total 245
Table 5
Classification by Disease
Disease Number (Ratio, %)
Musculoskeletal system
 Neck pain 57 (23.27)
 Back pain 87 (35.51)
 Shoulder pain 12 (4.90)
 Ankle pain 7 (2.86)
 Thorax pain 4 (1.63)
 Hip pain 8 (3.27)
 Knee pain 7 (2.86)
 Foot pain 2 (0.82)
 Wrist pain 2 (0.82)
 L/E pain 5 (2.04)
 Pelvic pain 4 (1.63)

Circulatory & Nervous system
 Headache 2 (0.82)
 Facial palsy 21 (8.57)
 Cerebral concussion 4 (1.63)
 Dizziness 5 (2.04)
 Paresthesia 2 (0.82)

Digestive system
 Abdominal pain 3 (1.22)
 Dyspepsia 4 (1.63)
 Nausea 1 (0.41)
 Vomiting 1 (0.41)

Respiratory system
 Chronic cough 1 (0.41)
 Dyspnea 1 (0.41)

Psychogenic disease
 Anxiety 3 (1.22)

The others
 General weakness 1 (0.41)
 Skin disease 1 (0.41)

Total 245
Table 6
Classification by Treatment
Treatment Number (Ratio, %)
Acupuncture 153 (62.45)
Cupping, dry 38 (15.51)
Cupping, wet 105 (42.86)

Herbal medicine 134 (54.69)
 Dangkwisoo-san 20 (8.16)
 Jackyakgamcho-tang 21 (8.57)
 Sodo-hwan 3 (1.22)
 Hwallak-dan 24 (9.80)
 Hyeonggaeyeongyo-tang 2 (0.82)
 Ojeok-san 1 (0.41)
 Banhasasim-tang 1 (0.41)
 Gamiguibi-tang 1 (0.41)
 Hyangsapyeongwi-san 1 (0.41)
 Banhabakchulchunma-tang 4 (1.63)
 Cheongsimwon 1 (0.41)
 Chungsanggyuntong-tang 1 (0.41)

Herbal pain relief patch 54 (22.04)

 Exercise therapy education 2 (0.82)
 Neck collar 4 (1.63)
 Counseling (No prescription) 2 (0.82)
 Chuna therapy 1 (0.41)
 Blood pricking therapy 2 (0.82)
 Taping therapy 1 (0.41)
 Intradermal acupuncture 1 (0.41)
Table 7
Classification by insurance type
Insurance Number (Ratio, %)
National health insurance 162 (66.12)
Protection type 1 insurance 6 (2.45)
Auto insurance 77 (31.43)

Total 245
Table 8
Classification according to Hospital visits prior to emergency room of the Korean Medicine Hospital
Visit Number (Ratio, %)
Emergency room of the Hospital (Including visits 1~3 days ago) 164 (66.94)
Other Hospitals 10 (4.08)
Only Emergency room of the Korean Medicine Hospital 71 (28.98)

Total 245
Table 9
Classification by treatment in emergency room of the Hospital before visiting emergency room of the Korean Medicine Hospital
Treatment Number (Ratio, %)
X-ray 136
CT 40
MRI 18
Lab 33
Analgesic 125
Medication excluding analgesic 9


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