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JKM > Volume 41(3); 2020 > Article
Kye and Kim: A Study on Methods of Acupuncture Points Combination and Hierarchy Concept of Acupuncture Prescription(鍼 處方) in Korean Medicine(韓醫學)



This study is to understand and develop Acupuncture treatment in Korean Medicine(韓醫學).


Firstly, the definitions of Acupuncture Prescription(鍼 處方) and Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were clarified. Secondly, the results from the researches of previously existing Acupuncture Prescriptions(鍼 處方) were analyzed.

Results & Conclusions

Acupuncture Prescription(鍼 處方) represents the results achieved from combining Acupuncture Points(腧穴) according to the symptoms of diseases. Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) denote methodologies for proposing Acupuncture Prescriptions(鍼 處方) which were accomplished by combining Acupuncture Points(腧穴) based on a specific theory.
The existing methods of combining Acupuncture Points(腧穴) derived from the analysis of Acupuncture Prescription (鍼 處方) have a meaning in suggesting a direction for acupuncture treatments. However, deficiencies still exist to restore the absence of universality and objectivity in acupuncture treatment. Researches on Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) based on the principle are required accordingly.
The concept of hierarchy exists in Acupuncture Prescription(鍼 處方) and it ranks Acupuncture Points(腧穴) as primary and secondary according to the indications of the Acupuncture Points(腧穴). Since there is the time difference in needling process, the concept of hierarchy is fulfilled through the needling procedure.

Fig. 1
Analysis of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Prescription in 『A study of Clinical Prescription of Acupuncture and Moxibustion(臨床鍼灸處方學)』5)
Fig. 2
Analysis of Acupuncture and Moxibustion prescription in 『A study of Prescription of Acupuncture and Moxibustion』14)
Fig. 3
Treatment approaches in ‘Western medical acupuncture’15)
Table 1
How to Propose Acupuncture Prescriptions(鍼 處方) in 『A study of Clinical Prescription of Acupuncture and Moxibustion(臨床鍼灸處方學) 』 Presented in 『A study of Prescription of Acupuncture and Moxibustion』
『臨床鍼灸處方學』 『침구처방학』
左右配穴法 巨刺法·繆刺法
遠近配穴法 三部配穴法順經取穴法
內外配穴法 陰陽配穴法
Table 2
Comparisons between ‘Western medical acupuncture’ and ‘Acupuncture Treatments in Korean Medicine(韓醫學)’
서양의학 관점 침’ 『침구처방학』 비고
직접적접근 국소 (local) 局所取穴法
분절 (segmental) 神經幹配穴法巨刺法·繆刺法
간접적접근 분절주위 (perisegmental) 隣近取穴法巨刺法·繆刺法
원위 비분절(distant non-segmental) 과전신적 (general) 遠隔取穴法五腧配穴法上下配穴法팔다리에 끝에 있는 경혈로 배혈하는 방법
미시체계 (microsystem) 자극 부위에 따른 자침법9)
Table 3
Frequently Used Methods of Acupuncture Therapies (鍼法) Presented in 「A Survey About the Recognition Regarding the Korean Acupuncture Method and Research Direction」7)
자주 사용하는 침 치료법 (중복응답) 인원수 %
체침요법 914 71.5
사암침법 647 50.6
동씨침법 599 46.9
오행침법 245 19.2
이침요법 221 17.3
약침요법 175 13.7
봉독요법 145 11.3
평침화침법 126 9.9
상대성침법 68 5.3
수지침법 39 3.1


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