AbstractObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to report the improvement of multiple rib fracture after korean medical treatment; adhesive treatment and herb-medicine treatment.
MethodsA patient with multiple rib fracture was treated with Daewhangchija-paste(大黃梔子膏) adhesive and herb-medicine treatment. Verbal numeric rating scale, medical examination by interview and rib series x-ray were used to assess progress of treatment. And we took pictures of left flank after attaching Daewhangchija-paste to observe the changes of the skin colors.
ResultsRib series x-ray taken after 2 months of treatment revealed hard callus which added stability against external force on rib cage. After taking off Daewhangchija-paste, left plank skin turned into blue, green and yellow. And the pain level(VNRS) of left plank decreased from 10 to 0.5 for 4 months.
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