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JKM > Volume 43(3); 2022 > Article
Kim, Hwang, Hwang, Lee, Yi, and Leem: Should Korean Medicine doctors use modern diagnostic medical devices? Survey result of public perspectives



This study investigated public opinion on the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors.


A questionnaire looking into perceptions on the use of modern medical devices was developed. It was distributed by a third party and data was collected. Results were analyzed through frequency analysis, chi-square analysis (χ2-test), frequency and cross analysis using R program. The measurement variable in the study was the respondent’s perspectives and expectations on the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors. The maximum significance level was 0.05.


There were a total of 3,000 responses and 80.8% of the respondents replied that there is a need for government-level discussion on endowing rights to Korean Medicine doctors as supervisors for safety management of radiation generating devices. Also, 83.3% of the respondents agreed the use of ultrasound imaging equipment in Korean Medicine clinics should be legalized.


According to this study, respondents strongly support the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors. This is the first study to investigate public opinion in this area and it provides a significant insight into the public needs and desires for a wider scope of practice for Korean Medicine in the healthcare system.

Table 1
Survey Items
Demographic Characteristics
 Gender, Age, Area of Residence

 Prior Experience in Korean Medicine Use among Participants Visit to a Korean Medicine clinic or hospital in the previous twelve months, Purpose of visiting a Korean Medicine clinic or hospital, Preferred method of treatment, Level of trust in the efficacy of Korean Medicine

People’s Perspectives and Expectations on the Use of Modern Diagnostic Medical Devices by Korean Medicine Doctors
 Expected outcomes from use, The need to legislate its use opinion on its use, General opinion on its use, Desired scope of practice and treatment from Korean Medicine doctors
Table 2
Demographic Characteristics of Participants (N=3,000)
Classification N(%)
Gender Male 1,569(52.3)
Female 1,431(47.7)

Age(years) 20–29 565(18.8)
30–39 529(17.6)
40–49 651(21.7)
50–59 537(17.9)
more than 60 718(23.9)

Area of Residence Seoul 542(18.1)
Gyeonggi·Incheon 866(28.9)
Daejeon·Chungcheong·Sejong 376(12.5)
Gangwon 97(3.2)
Busan·Ulsan·Gyeongnam 466(15.5)
Daegu·Gyeongbuk 298(9.9)
Gwangju·Jeolla 302(10.1)
Jeju 53(1.8)
Table 3
Prior Experience in Korean Medicine Use among Participants (N=3,000)
Classification N(%)
Visited a Korean Medicine clinic or hospital in the past twelve months Yes 1,623(54.1)
No 1,377(45.9)

Purpose of visiting a Korean Medicine clinic or hospital Internal medicine diseases 307(10.2)
Musculoskeletal disease 1,420(47.3)
Disease prevention and health maintenance 744(24.8)
Pain caused by motor vehicle accidents 313(10.4)
Other reasons 216(7.2)

Preferred clinic or hospital visit Korean Medicine clinic or hospital 694(23.1)
Conventional medicine clinic or hospital 957(31.9)
Depends on main medical problem 1,091(36.4)
Undecided 258(8.6)

Level of trust in the efficacy of Korean Medicine High level of trust 530(17.7)
Slight level of trust 1,928(64.3)
Slight level of distrust 387(12.9)
Strong level of distrust 67(2.2)
Undecided 88(2.9)
Table 4
Participant Perspectives and Expectations on the Use of Modern Diagnostic Medical Devices by Korean Medicine Doctors (N=3,000)
Classification N(%)
Expected outcomes from use Usage of modern diagnostic medical devices will reduce medical costs Strongly agree 760(25.3)
Slightly agree 1,490(49.7)
Slightly disagree 498(16.6)
Strongly disagree 125(4.2)
Undecided 127(4.2)

Usage of modern diagnostic medical devices will reduce unnecessary procedures and save time Strongly agree 893(29.8)
Slightly agree 1,497(49.9)
Slightly disagree 440(14.7)
Strongly disagree 123(4.1)
Undecided 47(1.6)

Usage of modern diagnostic medical devices will lead to an increase in treatment satisfaction Strongly agree 838(27.9)
Slightly agree 1,580(52.7)
Slightly disagree 407(13.6)
Strongly disagree 93(3.1)
Undecided 82(2.7)

Need to legislate its use Korean Medicine doctors can be maderesponsible for safety management of radiation generating devices such as X-rays Strongly agree 805(26.8)
Agree 1,621(54.0)
Disagree 312(10.4)
Strongly disagree 107(3.6)
Undecided 155(5.2)

Korean Medicine doctors can use ultrasound imaging equipment for treatment Strongly agree 793(26.4)
Agree 1,707(56.9)
Disagree 294(9.8)
Strongly disagree 102(3.4)
Undecided 104(3.5)

Korean Medicine doctors can use modern diagnostic medical devices Strongly agree 862(28.7)
Agree 1,683(56.1)
Disagree 283(9.4)
Strongly disagree 122(4.1)
Undecided 50(1.7)

Desired cope of practice and treatment Korean Medicine doctors The scope of practice of Korean Medicine doctors must be limited to those included in classical Korean Medicine books such as Donguibogam 253(8.4)

The scope of practice of Korean Medicine doctors must be based oninterpretations of the basic principles in Korean Medicine such as Yin-Yang and Five Elements 524(17.5)

The scope of practice of Korean Medicine doctors can be extended to include the use of essential diagnostic medical devices based on modern science 1,655(55.2)

The scope of practice of Korean Medicine doctors can include use of all modern diagnostic medical devices 491(16.4)

Not sure 77(2.6)
Table 5
Level of Agreement on the Use of Modern Diagnostic Medical Devices by Korean Medicine Doctors
Based on Different Participant Characteristics(N=2,950) Classification Level of agreement on the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors Total P-value

High (Strongly agree+Agree) Low (Strongly disagree+Disagree)
Gender <0.001*
Male 1,349(87.1) 199(12.9) 1,548(100.0)
Female 1,196(85.3) 206(14.7) 1,402(100.0)

20–39 904(84.5) 166(15.0) 1,070(100.0)
40–59 1,024(87.4) 147(12.6) 1,171(100.0)
more than 60 617(87.0) 92(13.0) 709(100.0)

Total 2,545(86.3) 405(13.7) 2,950(100.0)

† Statistically significant with p< .05, Result of chi-square test, Data are presented with frequency(ratio)

Table 6
Cross Analysis whether Modern Diagnostic Medical Devices can be Used by Korean Medicine Doctors Based on Prior Visit to a Korean Medicine Clinic or Hospital (N=2,950)
Variables Level of Agreement on the use of modern diagnostic medical devices by Korean Medicine doctors Total P-value

High (Strongly agree+Agree) Low (Strongly disagree+Disagree)
Visited a Korean Medicine clinic or hospital in the past Yes 1,425 (89.3) 171 (10.7) 1,596 (100.0) <0.001*
No 1,120 (82.7) 234 (17.3) 1,354 (100.0)

Total 2,545 (86.3) 405 (13.7) 2,950 (100.0)

† Statistically significant with p< .05, Result of chi-square test, Data are presented with frequency(ratio)


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