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JKM > Volume 44(1); 2023 > Article
Choi and Kim: An Analysis of the Current Status of dysmenorrhea patients visiting Korean Medicine Hospital



This review aimed to present the characteristics of dysmenorrhea patients visiting a Korean Medicine hospital.


One hundred thirteen dysmenorrhea patients visiting a Korean Medicine hospital from 2017 to 2021 were studied. We evaluated the general characteristics, type of dysmenorrhea, menstrual characteristics and overall therapies.


The average age of the 113 subjects was 29.4 years old, with 38.1% in their 20s and 25.7% in their 30s. The average pain intensity was NRS 7.5, and the menstrual pain severity of 79.6% of the subjects was grade 2 or 3. The types of dysmenorrhea were classified as primary dysmenorrhea in 62.0% and secondary dysmenorrhea in 38.1%. The average treatment period of the patients was 1–2 months in most cases (44.25%). The most common treatment method was herbal medicine.


We figured out the status of dysmenorrhea patients and treatment in a Korean medicine hospital.

Table 1
Main Age Group of Patients with Dysmenorrhea
No. of patient (%)
10s 21(18.58)
20s 43(38.05)
30s 29(25.66)
40s 17(15.04)
50s 3(2.65)
Table 2
Past Medical History of Patients
No. of patient (%)
With Diseases (N=36) Leiomyoma of uterus 9(7.96)
Adenomyosis uteri 7(6.19)
Ovarian cyst 6(5.31)
Endometriosis 5(4.42)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 2(1.77)
Endometrial hyperplasia 1(0.88)
Cervical dysplasia 1(0.88)
Chronic cervicitis 1(0.88)
Endometrial polyp 1(0.88)
Adenomyosis uteri + Endometriosis 1(0.88)
Endometriosis + Ovarian cyst 1(0.88)
Adenomyosis uteri + Endometriosis + Leiomyoma of uterine 1(0.88)

No Diseases 18(15.93)

Not reported 59(52.21)

Total 113(100)
Table 3
Characteristics of Menstrual Pain
Category Factor No. of patient (%)
Onset of pain (n=65) Within the first 2 years after menarche 33(50.77)
The years pass after menarche 32(49.23)

Pain cycle (n=64) At the same time of a period 57(86.06)
Before 1~2 weeks of a period 7(10.94)

Duration of pain (n=95) <72 Hours 74(77.89)
>72 Hours 21(22.21)
Average of time (n=95) 64.21±27.90 (hrs/period)

After taking of painkillers (n=54) Relieved 31(57.41)
Unrelieved 23(42.59)
Average number of painkillers (n=75) 5.03±3.77 (numbers/period)
Table 4
Frequency and Duration for Treating Dysmenorrhea
Variables N %
Average visiting days per month (N=113) 1 49 43.36
2–3 20 17.70
4–5 29 25.66
6–7 6 5.31
≥ 8 9 7.96

Average duration for treatment (N=113) 1 week – 1month 33 29.20
1–2 months 50 44.25
2–3 months 8 7.08
3–6 months 8 7.08
6–12months 7 6.19
≥ 1 year 7 6.19
Table 5
Types of Treatment Methods
Treatment Methods No.of patient (%)
Acupuncture + Herbal medicine 41(36.28)
Acupuncture + Herbal medicine + Moxibustion 36(31.86)
Herbal medicine 28(24.78)
Acupuncture 2(1.77)
Acupuncture+ Herbal medicine + Pharmacopuncture 2(1.77)
Herbal medicine + Moxibustion 1(0.88)
No treatment 3(2.65)

Total 113(100)
Table 6
Frequency and Duration for Treating Primary Dysmenorrhea
Variables N %
Average visiting days per month (N=70) 1 37 52.86
2–3 10 14.29
4–5 18 25.71
6–7 3 4.29
≥ 8 2 2.86
Average duration for treatment (N=70) 1 week – 1month 18 25.71
1–2 months 36 51.43
2–3 months 2 2.86
3–6 months 5 7.14
6–12months 2 2.86
≥ 1 year 7 10.00


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