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JKM > Volume 44(1); 2023 > Article
Seo, Kim, Lee, Kong, Lee, Heo, Kwon, Park, Yun, Lee, Oh, Kim, Choi, Kim, and Chung: A Survey Study on the Perception for Development of Integrated Medical Service Model and Its Application in Clinical Field



Objectives: In this study, we define a medical service type that combines Western medicine, Korean medicine, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as an integrated medical service. This study, as part of tertiary hospital-based integrated medical service model and clinical field application, aims to collect status and opinions on integrated medical service for medical staff in the field.


This is a survey study, and was conducted on doctors from Kyung Hee University Hospital and Korean medicine doctors from Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital. Respondents were recruited on a first-come, first-served basis until the number of respondents reached 120. The investigation was conducted for a total of 16 days from October 4, 2021 to October 19, 2021 by e-mail.


Recognition of integrated medical services was confirmed to be 45.8%, and 49.2% responded positively to the necessity of it. As a group of diseases that require the establishment of integrated medical services in the future, ‘disorders of musculoskeletal systems and connective tissues’ was the highest. The most expected advantages of providing integrated medical services were 'increased satisfaction of patients and guardians' and 'increased treatment effects.’


In this study, we investigated the perception of doctors and Korean medicine doctors on integrated medical services that combine Western medicine, Korean medicine, and CAM. It has been confirmed that medical staff generally have a positive perception of integrated medical services, and if the scientific basis for the effect of integrated medical services is supported, the rate of positive perception is expected to increase.

Fig. 1
Potential Benefits of Providing Integrated Medical Services
Fig. 2
Reasons for Not Using Integrated Medical Service (Multiple choice)
Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of Responders
License Doctor Korean Medicine Doctor Total
86, 71.7% 34, 28.3% 120

Sex Male 51, 31.7% 17, 14.2% 68, 56.7%
Female 35, 29.1% 17, 14.2% 52, 43.3%

Age Under 30 10, 8.3% 19, 15.8% 29, 24.2%
30–39 47, 39.2% 7, 5.8% 54, 45.0%
40–49 19, 15.8% 5, 4.2% 24, 20%
Over 50 10, 8.3% 3, 2.5% 13, 10.8%

Field experience Under 5 years 38, 31.7% 20, 16.7% 58, 48.3%
5–9 years 16, 13.3% 5, 4.2% 21, 17.5%
10–19 years 19, 15.8% 6, 5.0% 25, 20.8%
Over 20 years 13, 10.8% 3, 2.5% 16, 13.3%
Table 2
Awareness of Integrated Medical Service
License Doctor 36 (41.9%)
Korean Medicine Doctor 19 (55.9%)

Field experience Under 5 years 21 (36.2%)
5–9 years 9 (42.9%)
10–19 years 15 (60.0%)
Over 20 years 10 (62.5%)

Total 55 (45.8%)
Table 3
The Needs for Integrated Medical Services
Need (%) Neither need nor doesn’t need (%) Doesn’t need (%) 5 point Likert scale
Doctor 32.6 32.6 34.9 2.81
Korean Medicine Doctor 91.2 8.8 0.0 4.21
Total 49.2 25.8 25.0 3.21
Table 4
The Needs to Expand Health Insurance Support for Integrated Medical Services
Need (%) Neither need nor doesn’t need (%) Doesn’t need (%) 5 point Likert scale
Doctor 27.9 36.0 36.0 2.81
Korean Medicine Doctor 100.0 0.0 0.0 4.59
Total 48.3 25.8 25.8 3.32
Table 5
Selections of Mediation for Integrated Medical Service (Medicine) (Multiple choice)
Doctor (%) Korean medicine Doctor (%) Total (%)
Surgery 83.7 97.1 87.5
Administration(medicine) 82.6 91.2 85.0
Procedure 83.7 76.5 81.7
Injection 75.6 85.3 78.3
Radiation therapy 72.1 91.2 77.5
Anesthesia 69.8 76.5 71.7
Physical therapy 55.8 47.1 53.3
Psychotherapy 55.8 29.4 48.3
None 1.2 0.0 0.8
Table 6
Selections of Mediation for Integrated Medical Service (Korean Medicine) (Multiple choice)
Doctor (%) Korean medicine Doctor (%) Total (%)
Acupuncture 77.9 100.0 84.2
Herbal medicine(Liquid) 40.7 97.1 56.7
Chuna therapy 38.4 94.1 54.2
Korean medicine physical therapy 44.2 79.4 54.2
Cupping 34.9 94.1 51.7
Moxibustion 32.6 97.1 50.8
Pharmacopucture/Bee venom acupuncture 29.1 94.1 47.5
Herbal medicine(non Liquid) 25.6 100.0 46.7
Psychotherapy 18.6 61.8 30.8
None 2.3 0.0 1.7
Table 7
Selections of Mediation for Integrated Medical Service (CAM) (Multiple choice)
Doctor (%) Korean medicine Doctor (%) Total (%)
Exercise therapy 76.7 91.2 80.8
Nutritional therapy 74.4 85.3 77.5
Laughter therapy 40.7 41.2 40.8
Art therapy 36.0 41.2 37.5
Music therapy 36.0 38.2 36.7
Qigong 17.4 61.8 30.0
Movie therapy 25.6 29.4 26.7
None 1.2 0.0 0.8
Table 8
Any Utilization plans when Integrated Medical Service is Established in the Future
Yes (%) Neither yes nor no (%) No (%) 5 point Likert scale
Doctor 33.7 37.2 29.1 2.92
Korean Medicine Doctor 100.0 0.0 0.0 4.62
Total 52.5 26.7 20.8 3.40


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