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JKM > Volume 44(2); 2023 > Article
Lee, Kim, Jung, and Kwon: A Symptom Differentiation based on Prospective pre-post intervention design and multiple regression analysis in Korean medicine



To study symptom differentiation for yang deficiency and blood heat based on 117 psoriasis patients.


Obtained frequency analysis (%), mean (%), and OR, CL(P-value) with prospective pre-post intervention design and multiple regression analysis.


There were no statistically significant differences as to sex, BMI, smoking and marital status, but there were statistically significant differences in variables of average age, gene history, and alcohol consumption (P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in psoriasis symptoms as to initial age of onset, morbidity span, area of the initial onset, and the progression of psoriasis during the last three months of each patient. However, the type of psoriasis showed a statistically significant difference (p=0.011). While there were no statistically significant differences as to common cold, condition of psoriasis after recovering from the cold, skin condition, exercise, and seasonality, irregular perspiration showed significant difference (p<0.00). When confounding factors have been controlled the blood heat patient group as the comparison group, multiple regression analysis showed OR, CI(95%) of 1.06(0.31–3.63) for men, 0.28(0.08–1.06) for aged 30 to 49,0 and 0.18(0.04–0.80) for aged 50 and older. it was 0.06(0.01–0.7) for gene history, 1.06(0.29–3.88) for drink alcohol, 19.90(2.53–156.7) for seasonality, and 10.28 (3.19–33.11) for perspiration problems. In these variables, Sex, age, smoking, and alcohol consumption showed no statistically significant results, but gene history(p=0.049), seasonality(p=0.005), and irregular perspiration (p=0.017) were statistically significant.


Family history, seasonality and irregular perspiration are the determining factors for yang deficiency and blood heat in psoriasis.


This research was supported by “Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS)” through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(MOE)(2022RIS-005)

Table 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of psoriasis patients
unit: person(%)

Symptom Differentiation Yang deficiency Blood heat p-value

Sociodemo-graphic characteristics
Gender Male 37(50.68) 28(63.64) 0.172
Female 36(49.32) 16(36.36)

Age 0–29 13(17.81) 14(31.82) 0.057
30–49 33(45.21) 22(50.00)
Over 50 27(36.99) 8(18.18)

Average 43.51±14.18 38.55±12.46 0.042

BMI 0–19.5 14(20.29) 4(9.52) 0.226
19.5–25 38(55.07) 23(54.76)
Over 25 17(24.64) 15(35.71)

Average 22.66±3.12 23.58±3.67 0.350

gene history Yes 11(15.07) 12(27.27) 0.044
No 24(32.88) 31(70.45)
No response 38(52.05) 1(2.27)

Alcohol consumption Yes 35(47.95) 30(68.18) 0.033
No 38(52.05) 14(31.82)

Smoking No 21(28.77) 22(50.00) 0.058
Yes 51(69.86) 22(50.00)
No response 1(1.37) 0(0)

Marriage Married 42(57.53) 18(40.91) 0.198
Single 29(39.73) 25(56.82)
No response 2(2.74) 1(2.27)
Table 2
Symptom(s) of psoriasis patients
unit: person(%)

Symptom Differentiation Yang deficiency Blood heat p-value

Psoriasis symptoms
Age of initial onset 0~29 49(67.12) 32(72.73) 0.417
30~49 18(24.66) 11(25.00)
Over 50 6(8.22) 1(2.27)

Average 26.46±15.43 24.81±10.85 0.502

Morbidity span 0~4 years 13(17.81) 7(15.91) 0.435
5~9 years 10(13.70) 10(22.73)
10~19 years 25(34.25) 17(38.64)
Over 20 years 25(34.25) 10(22.73)

Average 16.03±10.93 13.74±9.23 0.202

Area of initial onset Scalp 6(8.22) 5(11.36) 0.332
Face 5(6.85) 4(9.09)
Body 7(9.59) 5(11.36)
Arm 6(8.22) 10(22.73)
Leg 27(36.99) 10(22.73)
Palm 2(2.74) 2(4.55)
Multiple 13(17.81) 6(13.64)
No response 7(9.59) 2(4.55)

Progression during the last 3 months Expanded 52(71.23) 34(77.27) 0.102
Maintained 13(17.81) 6(13.64)
Decreased 2(2.74) 4(9.09)
No response 6(8.22) 0(0)

Current condition of psoriasis 1 location 2(2.74) 2(4.55) 0.939
2–3 locations 6(8.22) 4(9.09)
Several locations 27(36.99) 17(38.64)
All over the body 38(52.05) 21(47.73)

Types of psoriasis Plaque 67(91.78) 34(77.27) 0.011
Pustular 0(0) 1(2.27)
Mixed1) 5(6.85) 2(4.55)
No response 1(1.37) 7(15.91)

1) Patients with mixed psoriasis have plaque, pustular and other types of psoriasis.

Table 3
Health Condition on Average of psoriasis patients
unit: person(%)

Symptom Differentiation Yang deficiency Blood heat p-value

Health conditions
Common cold Frequent 15(20.55) 7(15.91) 0.616
Not frequent 53(72.60) 32(72.73)
No response 5(6.85) 5(11.36)

Psoriasis after common cold Exacerbate 15(20.55) 12(27.27) 0.592
No effect 31(42.47) 15(34.09)
No response 27(36.99) 17(38.64)

Skin condition Normal 6(8.22) 4(9.09) 0.541
Dryness 17(23.29) 14(31.82)
Itchiness 13(17.81) 9(20.45)
Hives 1(1.37) 0(0)
Others 3(4.11) 0(0)
Multiple conditions 32(43.84) 15(34.09)
No response 1(1.37) 2(4.55)

Exercise Regular 20(27.4) 12(27.27) 0.568
No regular 51(69.86) 29(65.91)
No response 2(2.74) 3(6.82)

Seasonality1) Yes 53(72.6) 25(56.82) 0.059
No 3(4.11) 7(15.91)
No response 17(23.29) 12(27.27)

Perspiration2) Irregular 53(72.6) 13(29.55) <0.001
Regular(normal) 15(20.55) 28(63.64)
No response 5(6.85) 3(6.82)

1) Psoriasis improves in summers and exacerbates in winters.

2) Irregular perspiration is lower, non-existent, or more irregular before the occurrence of psoriasis than non-patients.

Table 4
Multiple Regression Analysis Results
Symptom Differentiation OR 95%CI p-value

Variables Lowest Highest
Gender Male 1.06 0.31 3.63 0.921

Age 30–49 0.29 0.08 1.06 0.474
50 and over 0.18 0.04 0.80 0.080

Gene history Yes 0.06 0.01 0.7 0.049
No response 0.46 0.15 1.47 0.423

Alcohol consumption Yes 1.06 0.29 3.88 0.931
Smoking No response 0.43 0.12 1.57 0.971

Types of psoriasis No response 4.17 0.26 68.21 0.981
Mixed 1.33 0.11 16.60 0.968

Seasonality No response 0.93 0.28 3.13 0.043
No 19.90 2.53 156.69 0.005

Perspiration No response 5.82 0.92 36.98 0.497
Irregular 10.28 3.19 33.11 0.017

- The comparison group was female, aged 0–29, no gene history, no drinking, no smoking, plaque psoriasis, seasonality, and regular(normal) perspiration

- Age and sex were controlled for confounding factors


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