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JKM > Volume 45(2); 2024 > Article
Kim, Lee, Jeong, Kim, and Lee: Trends in the Study of Korean Medicine Education: Based on domestic and international research



The purpose of this study is to review trends in Korean medical education research.


We searched Korean Medicine Education research in 4 domestic and 4 international datebases. The studies were analyzed with journal, year, keyword and detailed topic, word frequency in research context, divided into four categories: basic Korean medicine, clinical Korean medicine, medical humanities, education.


128 Korean studies and 30 International studies, total 158 studies, published from 1993 to 2024 have been selected. Research on Korean medicine education has been consistently published every year since 2003, by 61 journals. The period when the most papers were published was 2020, with 16 papers. Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine published a relatively large number of studies, with 19. Among the keywords divided into 4 categories according to Institute of Korean Medicine Education & Evaluation, studies related to ‘basic medicine’ were the most with 45 cases. When classified into detailed topics, there were 40 papers related to ‘subject’, and 21 papers related to ‘awareness’.

Discussion and Conclusion

The study suggests that Korean medicine education method and curriculum should be developed. As educational research and method progresses, the corresponding curriculum has to be improved and applied to the field. This study would contribute to the foundation of Korean medicine education.

Fig 1
Flow chart.
Fig. 2
Classification of papers on Korean medicine education by year.
Fig. 3
Academic journals with articles on Korean Medicine education. (more than 4 papers)
Fig. 4
Categorized into five categories: basic, clinical, medical humanities, education and other papers on Korean Medicine Education.
Fig. 5
Classification of selected papers with a focus on Korean Medicine Education.
Fig. 6
Analysis of the frequency of words appearing in the title of a paper (more than 5 times)
Table 1
Classification of Institute of Korean Medicine Education & Evaluation.
Section Contents
Basic medicine It is subdivided into basic Korean medicine and medical life science, and includes each subject of basic education according to local needs, interests, and traditions
Medical humanities The field of learning basic and ethical qualities and attitudes that medical personnel must have. In addition to medical ethics and medical laws, it includes contents closely related to medical care in fields such as language, history, philosophy, ethics, sociology, law, business administration, anthropology, psychology, and art, that is, medical professionalism, communication
Clinical medicine It includes internal Korean medicine, Korean Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korean Oriental Pediatrics, Korean Society of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine, Korean Medicine Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Dermatology, Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Sasang Constitutional Medicine (8 departments of korean medicine specialists). It includes clinical subjects according to local needs, interests, and traditions, such as herbal acupuncture and Chuna medicine.
Education It refers to a study that researches Korean medicine education in a modern scientific way and systematically organizes its achievements.
Table 2
A summary table of the five analysis methods
Method Contents
Year Analysis of the frequency of studies published from 1993 to 2024.
Journal Analysis of the frequency of academic journals in which Korean medicine education papers have been published at least once.
Representative subject Analysis of the Classification Method of Korean Medicine by the Institute of Korean Medicine Education Evaluation.
Detailed subject Analysis of 158 papers according to 5 detailed topics obtained through consensus of all researchers.
Word frequency The frequency of nouns was organized by analyzing the titles of all papers. (more than 5 times)


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2. Jo, HJ. (2020). Exploring the Condition that will Allow for Change in Traditional Korean Medicine Curricula-Focusing on the Integrated Curriculum. Journal of Korean Medical Classics, 33(3), 68-89. https://doi.org/10.14369/jkmc.2020.33.3.063

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15. Lee, HJ, Chae, H, Lim, YK, & Kwon, YK. (2016). Attitudes of Korean and Chinese Traditional Medical Doctors on Education of East Asian Traditional Medicine. Integrative Medicine Research, 5(1), 63-68. 10.1016/j.imr.2015.11.001
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16. Kim, M, & Han, CH. (2020). A Survey on the Educational Status of Basic Korean Medicine and Basic Medical Science in Colleges of Korean Medicine in 2020. The Journal of Korean Medicine, 41(3), 98-124. https://doi.org/10.13048/jkm.20028

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20. Kwon, JH, Kim, YY, Lee, SW, & Yoo, JH. (2012). Study of the Current State and Future Directions of Medical Ethics Education on the Colleges of Korean Medicine in Korea. Korean Journal of Oriental Physiology & Pathology, 26(4), 572-576.

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