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JKM > Volume 45(3); 2024 > Article
Lee and Kim: Analyzing Trend of Clinic-Level Medical Institutions and Pharmacy Name Using Text Mining Technique



This study aimed to analyze trend of names of clinic-level medical institutions and pharmacy in Korea to understand interaction between health care provider and consumer.


This study analyzes 60,101 medical clinic names, 27,609 dental clinic names, 25,506 Korean medicine clinic names, and 68,032 pharmacy names. Official records from Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute, data from 1946 to June 2024. Researcher uses text-mining technique including tokenizer of Soynlp and wordcloud to visualize trends.


In pharmacy business names, franchise name ‘Onnuri’ is dominant. In case of dental clinic and Korean medicine clinic, university names like ‘Seoul’, ‘Yeonsei’, ‘Kyunghee’ are dominant. Similarly, medical clinic names include university names but also teaching hospital names like ‘Samsung’ or ‘Seongmo(St. Mary)’. Commonly used word in clinic-level medical institution and pharmacy is ‘Uri’ and latest trend words are ‘Bareun’ and ‘365’.


Methods presented in this study for analyzing business names can directly applied to the study of business names in other industries. The results of this study would develop marketing strategies of medical industry. Furthermore, since business name provide concentrated data on market perception and the interaction between consumers and providers, they can be useful for sociology and medical humanities researchers.

Fig. 1
Wordcloud of Various Kinds of Institution: a) Pharmacy, b) Korean Medicine Clinic, c) Dental Clinic, d) Medical Clinic
Fig. 2
Frequently Used Words According to Medical Clinic’s Specialty
Table 1
Frequently Used Words and Their Frequencies about Various Kinds of Institution
Rank Classification

Pharmacy Korean Medicine Clinic Dental Clinic Medical Clinic

Word Frequency Word Frequency Word Frequency Word Frequency
1 Onnuri 3380 Gyeonghui 2321 Seoul 2398 Yeonse 2958
2 Han 1810 Bubu 287 Yeonse 1544 Seoul 2658
3 Uri 1703 Uri 282 I 883 Seongmo 1321
4 Sarang 1401 Seoul 234 Miso 793 Samseong 1306
5 Geongang 1247 Bareun 224 Peullanteu 626 Uri 1283
Table 2
Frequently Used Words According to Medical Clinic’s Specialty
Rank Department

Family Medicine Internal Medicine Anesthesiology Obstetrics & Gynecology Plastic Surgery Pediatrics
1 Yeonse Seoul Seoul Yeonse Ai Ai
2 Seoul Yeonse Yeonse Mijeu Gangnam Yeonse
3 Uri Samseong Seongmo Mirae Apgujeong Kijeu
4 Haengbok Pyeonhan Uri Jeil Cheongdam Uri
5 Seongmo Uri Teunteun Ai Yeonse Teunteun
6 Han Seongmo Bareun Ihwa Seoul Seoul
7 Samseong Sok Samseong Yeoseong Ei Samseong

Rank Department

Ophthalmology Surgeon Otorhinolaryngology Psychiatry Orthopedic Surgery Dermatology

1 Seongmo Seoul Yeonse Maeum Seoul Yeonse
2 Balgeun Hang Seoul Yeonse Yeonse Seoul
3 Seoul Yu Uri Seoul Bareun Malgeun
4 Yeonse Yeonse Sangkwaehan Seongmo Samseong Goun
5 Ai Jungang Malgeun Sup Seongmo Eseu
6 Samseong Samseong Yeollin Samseong Bon Seu
7 Gim Jeil Su Gong-gam Teunteun Mi


1. Ministry of Health and Welfare. A study on Analysis of 5th National Medical Care Resources and Utilization Survey;(2022.

2. Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute. Local Administration Licensing Data. Available from: URL: https://www.localdata.go.kr/main.do2024. accessed 2024-07-01 2024.

3. Kim H. J.2019. Unsupervised Korean Tokenizer and Extractive Document Summarization to Solve Out-of-Vocabulary and Dearth of Data. Ph. D. dissertation. Dept. Ind. Eng., Seoul Natl. Univ;Seoul, Korea: 2019.

4. Korean Laws Information Center. Available from: URL: http://www.law.go.kr2024. accessed 2024-07-01 2024.

5. Onnuri Pharmacy. Available from: URL: http://www.onnuri.co.kr2024. accessed 2024-07-01 2024.

6. Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. (2024). 2022 Yearbook of Traditional Korean Medicine;

7. Shin Y. S., & Shin J. Y.(2015). Development of Modern Dentistry in Korea. Journal of Korean Dental Association;53(11):817-843.

8. Standard Korean Language Dictionary. Available from: URL: https://stdict.korean.go.kr2024. accessed 2024-07-01 2024.

9. Health Policy Institute. (2023). 2022 Yearbook of the Korean Dentistry;

10. Standard Korean Language Dictionary. Available from: URL: https://stdict.korean.go.kr2024. accessed 2024-07-01 2024.

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