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JKM > Volume 45(3); 2024 > Article
Kim, Park, Jeong, Lee, Kim, Sung, and Yu: Application of text-mining technique and machine-learning model with clinical text data obtained from case reports for Sasang constitution diagnosis: a feasibility study



We analyzed Sasang constitution case reports using text mining to derive network analysis results and designed a classification algorithm using machine learning to select a model suitable for classifying Sasang constitution based on text data.


Case reports on Sasang constitution published from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2022, were searched. As a result, 343 papers were selected, yielding 454 cases. Extracted texts were pretreated and tokenized with the Python-based KoNLPy package. Each morpheme was vectorized using TF-IDF values. Word cloud visualization and centrality analysis identified keywords mainly used for classifying Sasang constitution in clinical practice. To select the most suitable classification model for diagnosing Sasang constitution, the performance of five models—XGBoost, LightGBM, SVC, Logistic Regression, and Random Forest Classifier—was evaluated using accuracy and F1-Score.


Through word cloud visualization and centrality analysis, specific keywords for each constitution were identified. Logistic regression showed the highest accuracy (0.839416), while random forest classifier showed the lowest (0.773723). Based on F1-Score, XGBoost scored the highest (0.739811), and random forest classifier scored the lowest (0.643421).


This is the first study to analyze constitution classification by applying text mining and machine learning to case reports, providing a concrete research model for follow-up research. The keywords selected through text mining were confirmed to effectively reflect the characteristics of each Sasang constitution type. Based on text data from case reports, the most suitable machine learning models for diagnosing Sasang constitution are logistic regression and XGBoost.


Fig. 1
Study flow of text-mining and machine learning.
Fig. 2
Flow chart of literature searches and screening results.
Fig. 3
Wordcloud visualization analysis result of Sasang constitution.
Table 1
English Word Translation Criteria
Translation exclusion criteria Examples
Words written in English in most of the research papers VAS, QSCCII
Words that represents a unit kg, cm
Name of the medicine trolac, NSAID
Table 2
Data Refining Criteria
Criteria Example
Before after
Exclusions Not a key variable, and used conventionally Above-mentioned, Opinion, Not, usual, And, When, time Delete
Terms related to Korean medicine, but used conventionally Common Questions in the Constitutional Questionnaire (Address, Symptoms usually present, Medical history, Body type, Temperament, Abilities) Oriental Medicine, Diagnosis, Defecation, Urine
Synonyms Cases with the same or similar meanings but different spellings ‘ears, eyes, mouth, and nose’, ‘ears, eyes, nose, and mouth’, ‘eyes, nose, and mouth’ ‘ears, eyes, nose, and mouth’
Cases where a single word represents or encompasses other words Sleep disorder, Difficulty falling asleep, Nocturnal sleep disorder, Difficulty maintaining sleep, Insomnia, Sleep difficulties, Difficulty falling asleep Sleep disorder
Native words Cases where a compound word is perceived as separate components cold, sweat Cold sweat
Hyung, Geumji, Pose Hyunggeumjipose
Cases where multiple words should be considered as a single phrase Abdominal, bloating Abdominal bloating
Nocturnal, sleep, disorder Nocturnal sleep disorder
Table 3
Number of Data by Sasang Constitution
Sasang Constitution Number of data
Soeumin 92
Soyangin 198
Taeeumin 148
Taeyangin 16
Total 454
Table 4
Combined Centrality (Top10)
Soeumin Soyangin Taeeumin Taeyangin
Word TI CC Word TI CC Word TI CC Word TI CC
1 Thin 0.136 0.217 Vomiting 0.353 0.313 Dizziness 0.245 0.211 nothing particular 0.122 0.182
2 Chest 0.082 0.201 Headache 0.163 0.282 Headache 0.163 0.210 Evening 0.082 0.182
3 Severe 0.027 0.196 nausea 0.381 0.280 Gait 0.109 0.201 Weakness 0.218 0.155
4 Bilateral 0.082 0.193 Thin 0.136 0.276 Bilateral 0.082 0.197 Gait 0.109 0.155
5 Abdomen 0.109 0.186 Pain 0.082 0.260 Head 0.082 0.193 Exercise 0.109 0.155
6 abdominal pain 0.082 0.181 Dizziness 0.245 0.258 Thorax 0.109 0.190 -ed 0.155
7 Physique 0.272 0.176 Entire body 0.163 0.249 Abdomen 0.109 0.186 Duration 0.163 0.152
8 Lower extremities 0.176 Above 0.236 Drug 0.181 Bilateral 0.082 0.152
9 Shoulder 0.054 0.174 Physique 0.272 0.225 stress 0.054 0.175 Defecation 0.109 0.125
10 Drug 0.172 Administration 0.190 0.220 Nocturnal 0.136 0.172 Limbs 0.109 0.125

* TI: TF-IDF, CC: Combined Centrality, jkm-45-3-193f4.gif: TF-IDF<0.1

Table 5
Best Parameter of Algorithm
Algorithm Best Params. F1-score
XGBoost {‘learning_rate’: 0.5, ‘max_depth’: 20, ···} 0.696374
LightGBM {‘learning_rate’: 1, ‘max_depth’: 10, ···} 0.695833
SVC {‘C’: 10, ‘kernel’: ‘linear’} 0.651028
Logistic Regression {‘C’: 20} 0.668290
Random Forest Classifier {‘n_estimators’: 50} 0.603950
Table 6
Accuracy and F1-Score of Algorithms
Algorithm Accuracy F1-Score Precision Recall
XGBoost 0.810219 0.739811 0.859072 0.696374
LightGBM 0.795620 0.730692 0.835910 0.695833
SVC 0.817518 0.688447 0.872854 0.651028
Logistic Regression 0.839416 0.705982 0.889106 0.668290
Random Forest Classifier 0.773723 0.643421 0.853030 0.603950


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