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JKM > Volume 45(3); 2024 > Article
Han: 3 Successful Case Reports of Tinnitus with Thread-embedding therapy



The objective of this study is to report three successful cases of tinnitus treatment using thread-embedding therapy.


Thread-embedding therapy was performed on GV20 (百會), CV12 (中脘), and both sides of GB2 (聽會), TE17 (翳風), ST25 (天樞), and ST36 (足三里) for a duration ranging from 2 to 13 sessions. The severity of tinnitus was assessed using the Korean Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (K-THI) and the Verbal Numerical Rating Scale (VNRS).


In Case 1, the patient’s THI score decreased from 92 to 8, and the VNRS score decreased from 10 to 0. In Case 2, the patient’s THI score decreased from 62 to 2, and the VNRS score decreased from 7 to 0. In Case 3, the patient’s THI score decreased from 88 to 42, and the VNRS score decreased from 8 to 4.


Thread-embedding therapy demonstrated a positive clinical effect in the treatment of tinnitus.

Fig. 1
THI and VNRS score of case 1 patient
Fig. 2
THI and VNRS score of case 2 patient
Fig. 3
THI and VNRS score of case 3 patient
Table 1
THI and VNRS score of case 1 patient
February 16, 2024 92 10
March 15, 2024 48 6
April 19, 2024 12 4
May 10, 2024 8 0
Table 2
THI and VNRS score of case 2 patient
May 31, 2024 62 7
June 11, 2024 2 0
Table 3
THI and VNRS score of case 2 patient
February 14. 2022 88 8
April 18, 2022 72 6
June 20, 2022 42 4


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