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4. Hwang MS, Yoon JH. 2005;Study of the Meridian Muscle Theory. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society 22(1):29–39.
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7. Lee JK, Song YK, Lim HH. 2006;Literature review on the Myofascial Meridian treatment. The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves 1(2):31–40.
8. Meridians & Acupoints Compilation Committee of Korean Oriental Medical Colleges. 2012. Principles of Meridians & Acupoints; A Guidebook for College Students 6th edth ed. Daejeon: JongRyeoNamu Publishing Co. p. 87.
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16. Cheng Y. 2011;Jing jin shizhi, jing jin bing bing ji yu zhi fa tantao. Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 27(5):97–8.
[No English title. Write it in native pronunciation.].
17. Park BM, Yang KY, Lee BR, Yim YK. 2008;Assignment of muscles in lower limb to meridians based on the location of acupoints and muscular function. Korean Journal of Acupuncture 25(4):17–8.
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p. 663–4.
20. Lee GU. 1994. PyeonJuYeogHae HwangJe NaeGyeong Somun 1 Seoul: YeoGang. p. 451. [No English title. Write it in native pronunciation.].
21. Lee GU. 1997. PyeonJuYeogHae HwangJe NaeGyeong Somun 3 Seoul: YeoGang. p. 15. p. 97. p. 332. [No English title. Write it in native pronunciation.].
22. Lee GU. 1995. PyeonJuYeogHae HwangJe NaeGyeong Somun 2 Seoul: YeoGang. p. 92. [No English title. Write it in native pronunciation.].
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35. Bai SL, et al. 2004. Systematic Anatomy 6th edth ed. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House. p. 67. p. 70. p. 77.
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41. Kim HI. 2008. A Study on the Muscle meridian Theory in 『Naegyeong』 Kyung Hee University. p. 1.
42. Kim SH. 2003. SunHoYeongchu(Ha) Daejeon: JuMin. p. 124. p. 393. [No English title. Write it in native pronunciation.].
43. Wang Q, Li BW, Qiu DW, Wang QQ, Peng RC. 1994. HuangDiNeiJing SuWenJinShi Seoul: EuiSeongDang Publishing Co. p. 212. [No English title. Write it in native pronunciation.].