Survey of Korean Medicine Doctors Applying to Participate in the School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine

Article information

J Korean Med. 2024;45(2):111-121
Publication date (electronic) : 2024 June 01
doi :
1Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Semyung University
2Seoul Korean Medicine Association
3Department of Korean Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Semyung University
Correspondence to: Seon Mi Shin, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, 66 Semyung-ro, Jecheon, 27136, Republic of Korea, Tel: +82-43-645-1010, E-mail:
Received 2024 May 20; Revised 2024 May 4; Accepted 2024 May 7.



This study aimed to identify the current status, satisfaction, obstacles, and improvement points of the School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine, while providing supporting data for its enhancement.


A self-reporting online survey was conducted among doctors of the Seoul Korean Medicine Association who applied to participate in the 2023 School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine. The questionnaire assessed various aspects including program status, satisfaction, evaluation, advantages, obstacles, promotion plans for the 2023 program, and intention to participate in the 2024 program. The survey was conducted from March 5th to 12th, 2024.


A total of 60 doctors participated in the survey, with 57 respondents included in the analysis. Among them, 45 Korean medical doctors had actively engaged in the school doctor program. Main reasons for non-participation included lack of request from assigned schools or scheduling conflicts between the desired program time and the conditions of Korean medicine doctors. Participants who conducted the program reported its effectiveness in fostering positive perceptions of Korean medicine. Despite obstacles, the majority expressed willingness to participate in the 2024 program. To promote the program, there is a need for a structured system to facilitate school cooperation and promote the School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine.


Promoting the School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine requires collaboration from schools, provision of standardized manuals and programs, and support from the Korean Medicine Association. Strengthening systems for school cooperation and program promotion is essential for its advancement.

Fig. 1

The Flow Chart of Study Participants

Demographic Characteristics of the Participants

The Status of 2023 School Doctor Program of the Participants

Satisfactions on 2023 School Doctor Program of the Korean Medicine Doctors

Factors of Positive Progression of 2023 School Doctor Program (Duplicated)

The Benefit of School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine (Duplicated)

Prerequisites for Promoting the School Doctor Program (Duplicated)

The Relationship Between Obstacles and Intention to Participate

The Relationship Between Satisfaction and Intention to Participate


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Article information Continued

Fig. 1

The Flow Chart of Study Participants

Table 1

Demographic Characteristics of the Participants

n (%)
Sex Male 39 (65.4)
Female 18 (31.6)

Age (mean ± SD) 41.33 ± 8.01

Place of work Korean Medicine Clinic 52 (91.2)
Korean Medicine Hospital 4 (7.0)
University 1 (1.8)

Specialist training General Practitioner 46 (80.7)
Intern 5 (8.8)
Medical Specialist 6 (10.5)

Clinical Experience Under 5 years 8 (14.0)
5 ~ 10 years 14 (24.6)
10 ~ 20 years 20 (35.1)
Over 20 years 15 (26.3)

Years of Conducting the School Doctor Program None 2 (3.5)
1 year 33 (57.9)
2 years 14 (24.6)
Over 3 years 8 (14.0)

Performed 2023 School Doctor Program Yes 45 (78.9)
No 12 (21.1)

Total 57 (100.0)

Table 2

The Status of 2023 School Doctor Program of the Participants

n (%)
Frequency of Conducting the School Doctor Program 1 session 10 (22.2)
2 sessions 14 (31.1)
3 sessions 8 (17.8)
4 sessions 4 (8.9)
5 sessions 2 (4.4)
over 6 sessions 7 (15.6)

Subject Lower Grade (1st – 3rd) of Elementary School Student 16 (35.6)
Upper Grade (4th – 6th) of Elementary School Student 24 (53.3)
Middle School Student 22 (48.9)
High School Student 12 (26.7)
Faculty of the School 5 (11.1)
etc. 3 (6.7)

Contents Sex Education 23 (51.1)
Obese 22 (48.9)
Growth 14 (31.1)
Forward Head Posture 11 (24.4)
Dysmenorrhea 9 (20.0)
Stress Management 9 (20.0)
Career as Korean Medicine Doctor 7 (15.6)
Food Diet 6 (13.3)
Sasang Constitution 5 (11.1)
Seasonal Health Care 5 (11.1)
Smoking Prevention 3 (6.7)
Drug Misuse/Addiction Prevention 3 (6.7)
Infectious Disease Prevention 2 (4.4)
etc. 1 (2.2)

Total 45 (100.0)

Table 3

Satisfactions on 2023 School Doctor Program of the Korean Medicine Doctors

n (%) Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Mean
Satisfaction of Souvenir for the Students (Ball Point Pens, Pencils, Candies) 8 (17.8) 6 (13.3) 8 (17.7) 6 (13.3) 17 (37.8) 3.4
Satisfaction of the Management of Seoul Korean Medicine Association 4 (8.9) 2 (4.4) 9 (20.0) 16 (35.6) 14 (31.1) 3.76
General Satisfaction 0 (0.0) 1 (2.2) 5 (11.1) 16 (35.6) 23 (51.1) 4.36

Table 4

Factors of Positive Progression of 2023 School Doctor Program (Duplicated)

n (%)
Active Cooperation of the School 34 (79.1)
Support of Seoul Korean Medicine Association 34 (79.1)
Providing Standardized Manual and Program 22 (51.2)
The Distance between the School and the Place of Work 12 (27.9)
Customized Program for Participants 7 (16.3)
Etc. 1 (2.3)

Table 5

The Benefit of School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine (Duplicated)

n (%)
Promotion for Positive Perception of the Korean Medicine 39 (86.7)
High Satisfactions of the Participants (Students, Parents, and Teachers) 28 (62.2)
Essential Program for Students, Parents, and Teachers 16 (35.6)
Better Effect than other Health Promotion Program 6 (13.3)
Indirect Promotion of the Korean Medicine Clinic 3 (6.7)

Table 6

Prerequisites for Promoting the School Doctor Program (Duplicated)

n (%)
Establishing a System to Receive Cooperation from Schools 29 (64.4)
Promotion of School Doctor Program of Korean Medicine 28 (62.2)
Expansion of Standard Manual and Guidance System 22 (48.9)
Secure Enough Budget 18 (40.0)
Strengthening Education and Training for Participants 14 (31.1)

Table 7

The Relationship Between Obstacles and Intention to Participate

Intention to Participate 2024 Program p-value
Yes No
No Obstacle 35 (77.8) 2 (4.4) 1.000
With Obstacle 8 (17.8) 0 (0.0)

Table 8

The Relationship Between Satisfaction and Intention to Participate

Intention to Participate 2024 Program p-value
Yes No
Satisfied 37 (82.2) 2 (4.4) 1.000
Under Neutral 6 (13.3) 0 (0.0)