A study on the improvement for the classification of Korean Medicine industry

Article information

J Korean Med. 2024;45(3):65-75
Publication date (electronic) : 2024 September 1
doi : https://doi.org/10.13048/jkm.24038
1Institute of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National University Medical Research Center
2Center for Global Collaboration, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
3Policy Development Center, Development of Korean Medicine Policy, National Institute for Korean Medicine Development
4Division of Humanities and Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University
Correspondence to: Byungmook Lim, Division of Humanities and Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University 49, Busandaehak-ro, Mulgeum-eup, Yangsan, Republic of Korea, Tel: +82-51-510-8403, Fax: +82-51-510-8446, E-mail: limb@pusan.ac.kr
Received 2024 June 29; Revised 2024 July 31; Accepted 2024 August 19.



This study aims to develop a revised classification system of the Korean Medicine (KM) industry that is practically feasible, ultimately laying the groundwork for the KM industry’s development.


The draft of classification structure and categories were established through review of literature on existing classification systems related to KM or industry. The experts who affiliated to representative organizations on KM industry were invited to conduct reviews for enhancing the draft’s practical validity and usability. The review process was iterated until consensus was achieved among the experts, ensuring the revised classification was comprehensive and robust.


Three drafts were created in total, and the final revised classification system consisted of the ‘KM industry’ and the ‘KM-related industry’ (indirectly related or supportive of the KM industry). The ‘KM industry’ includes KM medicaments, KM medical instruments and appliances, and KM healthcare service. The ‘KM-related industry’ includes KM research, KM administration, KM education, and KM organization. Two key points emerged from the open feedback: the necessity of establishing new sectors within the KM industry and the need for further research on methods to link these new sectors with existing statistical data.


The revised classification system of the KM industry developed in this study can serve as an important foundational resource for policymakers, researchers, and industry practitioners in the relevant field, supporting their research and policy development.

Fig. 1

Flow chart of the development for Korean Medicine industry classification system

Revised classification system of Korean Medicine industry


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부록 1 1차 개정안

부록 2 2차 개정안

부록 3 3차 개정안

부록 4 최종 개정안 (Table 1의 국문본)

부록 5 한의약산업 관련 세세분류 신설 예: 약용작물 재배업, 한약 소매업

1. 약용작물 재배업

2. 한약 소매업

Article information Continued

Fig. 1

Flow chart of the development for Korean Medicine industry classification system

Table 1

Revised classification system of Korean Medicine industry

KM industry
Section Division Group Class Sub-class
Korean Medicine medicament Agriculture, forestry and fishing Agriculture Growing of crops Growing of other crops Growing of medical plants*
Manufacturing Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products Manufacture of medicaments Manufacture of finished medicaments Manufacture of finished medicaments
Manufacture of herb medicaments Manufacture of herb medicaments
Wholesale and retail trade Retail trade, except motor vehicles and motorcycles Retail sale in other goods in specialized stores Retail sale of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, cosmetics and perfumery Retail sale of Korean Medicine pharmaceutical goods*
Korean Medicine medical instruments and appliance Manufacturing Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies Manufacture of other medical and surgical equipment and orthopedic appliances Manufacture of Korean Medicine medical instruments and appliances*
Korean Medicine healthcare service Human health and social work activities Human health activities Hospitals activities Hospitals activities Intermediate care hospital
Korean Medicine hospitals
Medical and dental practice activities Medical and dental practice activities Korean Medicine clinics
Public health centers Public health centers Public health centers
KM-related industry (indirectly related to or supportive of the Korean Medicine industry)
Section Division Group Class Sub-class
Korean Medicine research Professional, scientific and technical activities Research and development Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering Research and experimental development on natural sciences Research and experimental development on Korean Medicine*
Korean Medicine administration Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Administration of industrial and social policy of community Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security Regulation of the activities of health care and welfare affairs on Korean Medicine*
Korean Medicine education Education Education Higher education Higher education Universities
Graduate schools
Korean Medicine organization Membership organizations, repair and other personal services Membership organizations Business, employers and professional membership organizations Business and employers membership organizations Business and employers membership organizations
Professional membership organizations Professional membership organizations

Note: The Korean and English names used in this table follow the terminology of the 10th edition of the Korean Standard Industrial Classification. However, the terms for ‘Korean Medicine clinics’ and ‘Korean Medicine hospitals’ have been modified from the original terms: ‘Oriental medical clinics’ and ‘Oriental medical hospitals’.


Based on the 10th edition of the Korean Standard Industrial Classification, items requiring new establishment