Checklist |
![](/image/b_eng.gif) |
Enacted on June 1, 2000
Amended on March 10, 2006
Amended on September 24, 2008
Amended on April 30, 2009
Amended on October 15, 2020
Amended on May 12, 2021
Title of the article : ______________________________________________________________________________
Category |
Details |
Yes |
No |
General |
Draft is written in Korean or English. |
Draft is written using Microsoft Word. |
Draft consists of title page, English abstract and Key Words, text, acknowledgement, references, table & figure, and the legend in the order listed, each written on separate pages. |
Abbreviations were used minimally. Abbreviation was not used in the title, and the first appearance of an abbreviation was written in parentheses, while the abbreviations of tables and legends were explained underneath. |
The affiliation and names of authors were not written anywhere other than the title page. |
The name of drugs and prescriptions was written in italic (only in English). |
Title page |
The following were recorded on the title page : Korean and English title of the article, Korean and English names of authors, names of affiliated organizations of authors, contact information of the corresponding author (address, telephone & fax, and e-mail) |
A second title page was written showing only the Korean and English title (the title page with only the title of the article is necessary for the process of examination). |
Englglish Abstract |
The English abstract of an original article was written in the form of Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Key Words, categorized in the order. |
The abstract was written within 250 words for original articles, and 150 words for case reports and brief reports. |
Three to six Key Words were added. |
The English abstract was examined, corrected, and supervised by a native speaker of a professional. |
Reference |
All the references were written in English. |
All the references were quoted in the text, and the references were marked with superscripts in the order of quotation in the text. |
The names of journals were written in abbreviation according to the Index Medicus. |
The number of references in total was 40 or less, and the method of recording the references including punctuation marks, etc. have been checked to be following the submission requirements. |
In the reference, when writing the author’s name in English, last name was written first followed only by initials of the first name. |
Form |
Academic journal articles : [Author’s last name],[Initial of first name].[Initial of middle name].([Publication year]). [Title]. [Name of journal], [Volume](Issue), [Starting and ending page]. [DOI]
ex) Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.
Books : [Author’s last name], [Initial of first name]. [Initial of middle name]. ([Year]). [Book title: first word of subtitle written in capitals]. [City, State /(other than USA)Country]: [Publisher]. [DOI]
ex) Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
※ Use “&” when there are two authors.
※ When the number of authors is 3-7 distinguish the authors’ names with a comma, and use “&” in front of the last author’s name.
※ When there are more than seven authors, list the names of the first six authors, use ellipsis (…), then list the name of the last author, preceded by “&”. |
Table |
Each table was written in separate page, and the title of the table and explanations were written in English. |
The title of the table is concise and lucid. |
Abbreviations used in the table are explained underneath. |
The table can be understood on its own right and does not replicate the data in the text or those of figures. |
The number of tables was double-checked for accuracy, and accordance to the text. |
The first letters of each word in the titles of tables are capitalized except for prepositions and articles. |
Figure |
Diagrams or photographs were prepared large and clear enough not to be affected by downscaling in the printing process (original copy is submitted if necessary). |
Legends |
Legends of figures are written in English and the first letter of the first word is capitalized with the rest written in lower case letter, the sentence ending with a period. |
Legends include not only the title, but also details explaining the figure to help understanding. |
· I hereupon submit this paper (original article, case report, brief report, review) for publication.
The authors have completed the all the checklist and I submit this checklist table along with the draft.
We transfer the copyright of this paper if it should be published in the Journal of Korean Medicine. The author owns all other rights such as patent application and using parts of or all the details of the paper for research in the future.
All the authors have contributed specific and important roles in writing this draft and are responsible for the contents in the article. We acknowledge that the draft can be returned at once without examination should the above details have not been met. In addition, this article has not been published before and is not subject for publication in another journal at the present.
I hereby pledge all the details above and the research ethics of the Society of Korean Medicine have not been violated, and thus sign my autograph.
Date : / / 20
Author’s name and signature :
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
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