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The Effects of Water Extract of Genus Panax on Rat Blood Vessels
Ki-Deog Yu, Hyung-Hwan Kim, Ho-Kun Park, Duk-Kyun Ahn, Ho-Young Choi
Screening for Various Herb Medicines Extracts against HIV
Seong-Woo Lim
Effects of Moving cupping on the edematous hands of three patients with flaccid hemiplegia
Yong-suk Kim, Hong-Min Lee
Effects of Drynariae Rhizoma on Cytokine-induced Production on Nitric Oxide Synthases and Nitric Oxide in Mouse Calvarial Bone Cells
Phil-Joo Kang, Ji-Cheon Jeong
The Effectiveness of Oriental Medical Treatment on Acute Stroke in Korea
Woo-Sang Jung, Jung-Mi Park, Byung-Ok Choi
Effects of Bombycis corpus on Mouse Calvarial Bone Resorption induced by IL-1β
Cheol-Ho Yoon, Seong-Ho Kim
Effect of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi extract on t-butylhydroperoxide-induced inhibition of phosphate transport in renal epithelial cells
Shin-Gyu Lee, Ji-Cheon Jeong
Clinical Research on the rehabilitation of Stroke patients's motor ability
Chang-Nam Ko, Sang-Kwan Moon, Ki-Ho Cho, Young-Suk KIm, Hyung-Sub Bae, Kyung-Sub Lee
Effect of Yangkun-tang on Repair and Regeneratory Response for Neuronal Injury
Sang-Tae Kim, Hyong-Seok Jang, Su-jang Kim, Jun-Shik Shin, Yeon-Kyoung Son, Yong-Nam Han
The Efficacy of Traditional Korean Medicine on Atopic Dermatitis
Moon-Baek Park
The Effects of Administration of Semen Cuscutae on Ovulation and Developmental Competence in Mice
Suk-Ki Cho, Young-Suk Kim, Jun-Bock Jang, Kyung-Sub Lee
Effect of Daechilgi-tang on Cell Growth Inhibition, MAP Kinase Activity anc Cell Apoptosis in Humal Uterine Myomal Cells
Seung-Jae Lee, Jung-Hun Cho, Jun-Bock Jang, Kyung-Sub Lee
Bombycis corpus Extract(BCE) Protects Hippocampal Neurons against Excitatory Amino Acid-induced Neurotoxicity
Hyun-Guk An, Tae-Sig Kwon, Kil-Soo Kim, Geun-Woo Kim, Byung-Soo Koo
Protective Effects of Alpinae Oxyphyllae Fructus on Neurons from lschemic Damage and Neuronal Cytoxicity
Won-Chang Lee, Tea-Sig Kwon, Kil-Soo Kim, GEun-Woo Kim, Byung-Woo Koo
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