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Recovery Effects from Oxidative Cell Damage by So-Hap-Hyang-Won on Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells (BAEC)
Mi Hwa Lee, Ji Young Kim, Hyun Yang, Ju Young Lee, Sang Keun Roh, Bon Seong Gu, Min Ho Kim, Sang Min Han, Hong Sik Kim, Won Chul Choi
Clinical Observation on Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Treated by Moxibustion
Hyun-Su Woo, Dong-Min Seo, Jong-Deog Kim, Sang-Min Park, Hyun-Dong Kim, Im-Jeung Byun2), Chang-Hwan Kim
The Inhibition Effect of Water Extract of Acanthopanax senticosus Harms Roots on the 5-HT Induced Vasocontraction in Rat
Hyung-Hwan Kim, Duk-Kyun Ahn, Chang-Soo Yook, Ho-Young Choi
The Effect of Rheum palmatum L. and Rheum undulatum L. on Rat Thoracic Aorta and Abdominal Aorta
Tack Kim, Hyung-Hwan Kim, Duk-Kyun Ahn, Ho-Young Choi
The Relative Risk Assessment of Leptin for Stroke in Korea
Ki-Ho Cho, Woo-Sang Jung, Jong-Myon Bae, Chang-Nam Go, Hyung-Sup Bae
Incomplete Relationship between Dominant Power of Electrogastrography and Gastric Myoelectrical Activity in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia
Sook-Young Han, Sang-Hyub Yoon, Jin-Sung Kim, Bong-Ha Rhyu, Ki-Won Rhyu
Correlation Among Obesity Factors in Stroke in Korea
Woo-Sang Jung, Do-Ick Kwon, Jong-Myon Bae1), Sang-Kwan Moon, Young-Suk Kim, Ki-Ho Cho
The Effect of a Cooperative System of Oriental and Western Medicine in the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
Su-Hyeon Jeong, Sung-Wan Kim, Soo-Jin Jeong, Won-Chul Lee
Effects of TongBiYeum (TBY) on the Fatty Liver
Ki-Tae Lee, Yun-Sik Kim, In-Chan Seol
Study on Individual and Combined Relationship of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Apolipoprotein E and Angiotensinogen Genes Polymorphism in Patients with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
Yun Heo, Jong-Min Yun, Yong-Seok Cha, In Lee, Kwang-Ho Cho, Byung-Soon Moon
Risk Assessment of Smoking for Ischemic Stroke in Koreans
Woo-Sang Jung, Byung-Ok Choi, Jung-Mi Park2), Sang-Kwan Moon, Ki-Ho Cho, Young-Suk Kim, Hyung-Sup Bae
Study on the Relationship between Polymorphism in Apolipoprotein E Gene and Korean Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease Patients
Do-Hwan Kim, Sae-Wook Park, Min-Goo Lee, Jeong-Mi Lee, In Lee, Kwang-Ho Cho, Byung-Soon Moon
Study on Relationship between Iris Constitution and Apolipoprotein E Gene Polymorphism
Sung-Do Kang, Woo-Jun Hwang, Kyung-A Kim, Kyung-Sik Kim, Ho-Sub Lee, Jong-Uk Kim, Sung-Yong Choi, Kyong-Son Jin
Effect of Samul-tang (Siwu-tang) on Procollagen Synthesis in Cultured Murine Hepatic Non-parenchymal Cells
Young-Chul Kim, Jang-Hoon Lee, and Hong-Jung Woo
Modulation of Corydalis tuber on Glycine-induced Ion Current in Acutely Dissociated Rat Periaqueductal Gray Neuron
Byung-Shik Cheong, Sang-Soo Nam, Do-Young Choi
Acupuncture Suppresses Intrastriatal Hemorrhage-Induced Neuronal Cell Death and Proliferation in Rats
Nam-Hun Cho, Dong-suk Park, Jae-Dong Lee
Effects of Drynariae Rhizoma on the Proliferation of Human Bone Cells
Bu-Tae Lee, Ji-Cheon Jeong
The Effects of Live Leech (Hirudo Medicinalis) Therapy on Diabetic Foot: a Clinical Case Report
Hyun-Jong Na
Effects of TongBiEum(TBE) on Hyperlipidemia Induced by a Sucrose-rich Diet
Yong-Seong Oh, Yoon-Sik Kim, In-Chan Seol
A Clinical Study of Oriental Medical Treatment on a Patient with Polyneuropathy
Seo-Young Hong, Hyun-Chol Cho, Yeung-Kee Kim, Seong-No Lee, Hyung-Ho Lim
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