AbstractObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to review the article using an IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) for measuring the cervical range of motion and to evaluate the feasibility of using an IMU for measuring the cervical range of motion.
MethodScopus was used to search for the articles relating to the inclusion criteria. Which is measuring the cervical range of motion using an IMU. A total of 15 articles were selected through discussion. Degree and the reliability of the cervical range of motion and the validity of the data within the articles were extracted.
ResultsThe measurement of the cervical range of motion using an IMU were 92.25º to 138.2º, 122.4º to 154.9º, 73.75º to 93.1º on the sagittal plane, transverse plane, and coronal plane respectively. 38 of the 43 values showed good reliability. They were larger than 0.75. 5 of the 43 values showed reliability less than 0.75. They were measured by smart phone. 16 of the 21 values showed good validity. The remaining 5 were measured by smart phone. The lower reliability and validity of smart phone were related to the protocol. The IMU can measure the coupling motion and may be used in various situations.
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