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JKM > Volume 43(1); 2022 > Article
Kim, Song, Kim, Kim, and Lee: Study on the Anatomical Meaning of ‘Geun(筋)’ in 『Yeongchu·Gyeonggeun(靈樞· 經筋) 』



This study was done to establish the anatomical meaning of the term ‘Geun(筋)’.


Through analysis of ≪HwangJeNaeGyeong(黃帝內經)≫, the meaning of ‘Geun(筋)’, ‘GeunMag(筋膜)’, ‘Yug(肉)’, and ‘Gi(肌)’ were established. Based on analysis, the anatomical meaning of the ‘Meridian-muscle(經筋)’ was studied by comparing it with anatomy.

Results & Conclusions

‘Gyeong(經)’ is recognized as a metaphysical expression and “Geun(筋)” means myofascia in anatomy. The concept of ‘Geun(筋)’ includes the epimysium and perimysium, as well as tendons and ligaments, which are extensions of these.
‘Fascia’, refers to the fascia of the whole body, and also appertain to ‘Geun(筋)’. ‘Yug(肉)’ means endomysium, muscle fiber, and adipose tissue and layer. The word ‘GeunMag(筋膜)’ used in the ≪HwangJeNaeGyeong(黃帝內經) ≫ means anatomically a ‘tendon’. Therefore, ‘Muscle’ should be translated as ‘GeunYug(筋肉)’ in Traditional medicine. ‘Meridian-muscle(經筋)’ can be defined as the longitudinal muscle and fascia system, which is the basis of whole body encompassing dynamics.


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