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JKM > Volume 44(3); 2023 > Article
Jin, Jang, and Shin: Clinical Characteristics of 802 Patients with Facial Palsy: Based on Literature Related to Stomach Meridian



The purpose of this study was to suggest the clinical characteristics and risk factors of facial palsy from the perspective of Korean Medicine.


Medical records of 856 patients, who visited the Korean Medicine hospital with facial palsy from 2004 to 2019, were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical characteristics of facial palsy were suggested by figuring out the distribution of age, sex, occupation, onset season, obesity, modes, signs, symptoms, past and family history.


By gender, there were more males (54.6%), and the most common age groups were in their 50s (27.4%) and 40s (23.6%). As for the occupation, unemployed (27.7%) and service and sales workers (14.6%) were the most common, and the onset season was the most common in winter (28.9%). The most common clinical characteristics were overwork (33.0%), mental stress (24.8%), and exposure to cold (19.3%) in modes, ‘none’ (64.3%), postauricular pain (33.2%) in signs, postauricular pain (26.9%), parageusia (14.8%) in symptoms. Hypertension and diabetes were the most common in both past and family history. In particular, the obesity rate of the subjects (59.8%) was much higher than that of Koreans (32.8%).


Based on the historical Korean Medicine literature and the results of this study, it is suggested that overwork, stress, exposure to cold, and obesity are identified as risk factors for facial palsy. Furthermore, dysfunction of the stomach meridian is thought to contribute to the cause of facial palsy.

Scheme 1
Scheme of Facial Palsy
Table 1
Frequency of Age, Sex, Occupation and Onset Season
Sex Male 438 (54.6)
Female 364 (45.4)

Age (y) y < 20 42 (5.2)
20 ≦ y < 30 52 (6.5)
30 ≦ y < 40 101 (12.6)
40 ≦ y < 50 189 (23.6)
50 ≦ y < 60 220 (27.4)
60 ≦ y < 70 132 (16.5)
70 ≦ y 66 (8.2)

Occupation Armed forces 5 (0.6)
Managers 14 (1.7)
Professionals 26 (3.2)
Technicians and associate professionals 16 (2.0)
Clerical support workers 76 (9.5)
Service and sales workers 117 (14.6)
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fisher workers 46 (5.7)
Craft and related trades workers 37 (4.6)
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers 40 (5.0)
Elementary occupations 79 (9.9)
Unemployed 222 (27.7)
Missing value 124 (15.5)

Onset season Spring 159 (19.8)
Summer 194 (24.2)
Autumn 210 (26.2)
Winter 232 (28.9)
Missing value 7 (0.9)

Data are presented as n (%).

Table 2
Frequency of Modes, Signs, Symptoms
Modes Overwork 265 (33.0)
Mental stress 199 (24.8)
Exposure to cold 155 (19.3)
Drinking 40 (5.0)
Others* 28 (3.5)
Unknown 290 (36.2)

Signs Postauricular pain 266 (33.2)
Pain in head, neck, throat 28 (3.5)
Common cold 9 (1.1)
Blepharospasm 4 (0.5)
Parageusia 4 (0.5)
None 516 (64.3)

Symptoms Postauricular pain 216 (26.9)
Pain in head, neck, throat 115 (14.3)
Parageusia 119 (14.8)
Gastrointestinal disturbance 68 (8.5)
Fatigue 89 (11.1)
Disturbance of facial skin sensation 46 (5.7)
Others 37 (4.6)

Data are presented as n (%)

* Otitis media 4 cases, dental treatment 7 cases, pregnancy & delivery 4 cases, traumatism & operation 6 cases, central nervous system disease 1 cases, Herpes zoster 6 cases;

† Disorder of lacrimal secretion, hypoacusis or hyperacusis.

Table 3
Frequency of Past and Family History
Past history Hypertension 184 (22.9)
Diabetes 98 (12.2)
Hyperlipidemia 29 (3.6)
Facial palsy 64 (8.0)
Herpes zoster 8 (1.0)
Dermatopathy 7 (0.9)
Cerebrovascular accident 26 (3.2)
Cancer 25 (3.1)
Thyroid disease 18 (2.2)
Liver disease 23 (2.9)
Heart disease 35 (4.4)
Gastrointestinal disease 30 (3.7)
Lung disease 6 (0.7)
Kidney disease 23 (2.9)
Ophthalmologic, otolaryngological disease 61 (7.6)
Muscular skeletal disease 43 (5.4)
Mental disease 17 (2.1)
Gynecological disease 19 (2.4)
Others 44 (5.5)

Family history Cerebrovascular accident 63 (7.9)
Hypertension 64 (8.0)
Cancer 36 (4.5)
Diabetes 52 (6.5)
Facial palsy 24 (3.0)
Heart disease 7 (0.9)
Liver disease 9 (1.1)
Thyroid disease 3 (0.4)
Others 3 (0.4)

Data are presented as n (%).

Table 4
Obesity Rate Comparison between Our Study and General Population*
Obesity (%) Non-obese (%)
KNHANES (n=76240) 32.8 67.2
Facial palsy (n=724) 59.8 40.2

* Calculated from The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES);

† 25.0 ≦ Body mass index (BMI);

‡ BMI < 25.0


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